• WBC count – Understanding the blood count

    WBC is white blood cells in the body that is helpful in fighting against infections, germs, bacteria, and virus in the body. It is important to understand how the WBC count works and how it affects the body’s immune system. A normal WBC count varies anywhere between 3,500 to 10,500 in adults.

    What if the WBC count is more than the normal range?
    It is seen that a lower white blood cell count can cause a number of health issues. This is one of the reasons that an elevated level of WBC count is often neglected as people think that it is not a matter of concern. However, a high WBC count does not specifically indicate the symptom of a disease but can be related to other issues such as:

    • Stress
    • Inflammation
    • Trauma
    • Allergy
    • Infection

    So, it is important to go for a Complete Blood Cell (CBC) test that will also include a WBC count. In case, if the count differs from the normal WBC count, then it is better to consult the doctor.

    What does a low WBC count signify?
    WBC or white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. A flexible tissue, bone marrow is found in some of the bones of the body. A low white blood cell count can be caused by a number of reasons that affect the functioning of the bone marrow. Some of these are:

    • Viral infections
      It is known that viral infections affect the working of the bone marrow. This, in turn, weakens the immune system by momentarily disrupting the functioning of the bone marrow.
    • Congenital diseases
      Certain congenital disorders, which are disorders present at birth, might also cause the bone marrow to dysfunction.
    • Medications
    • Cancer
    • Autoimmune disorders that affect the production of white blood cells

    Let us look at the symptoms of an abnormal WBC count
    In case the WBC count lower than the normal WBC count range then the person might experience one or a few of the following symptoms. These signs can be a warning as to the body’s immune system is weak, and there is an underlying medical condition that needs to be taken care of.

    A low WBC count can lead to:

    • Headaches
    • Fever
    • Body aches

    Generally, a higher WBC count does not show any symptoms, but this does not mean that it should be ignored. Any underlying medical condition can be a cause of a higher WBC count as well.

  • Canine blood disorders

    Canine blood disorders are classified into two forms genetic (or co genetic) while other is acquired through some pathological factors such as viruses, tumors, bacteria etc.

    Just like humans, canine blood also has many parts like blood cells, plasma and platelets. Deficiency or defect in any of these can lead to a form of blood disorder, which can be life threatening in some ways.

    Following are some disorders that you should be aware of :

    One of the common blood disorder, anemia occurs due to reduced blood circulation in a part or the whole body. There are different causes of anemia. It could be due to parasitic infestation or due to excessive bleeding. Based on these conditions there are 2 types of anemia regenerative and non-regenerative anemia. The former is caused due to excessive bleeding due to massive destruction of blood tissues. This condition can be recovered through medications and even blood transfusions. Non-regenerative anemia results in permanent defect in the blood. It is either caused by severe damage of blood cells or due to factors like cancer, defects in bone marrow. This defect is usually seen in spaniels and can be very expensive to treat.

    Coagulation disorder
    this type of blood disorder is usually seen in puppies. The coagulation defect occurs due to deficiency of different coagulating factors such as abnormal thrombin, post partum hemorrhage. Puppies born with this type of disorder might die soon after birth or might suffer with lifelong anemia. There are some viral, bacterial toxins, and other factors such as heat strokes and tumors that can cause a vascular disorder resulting in a coagulation disorder.

    Platelet Disorder
    Also called as “canine thrombocytopenia” , it is a type of blood disorder in which the body fails to produce sufficient amount of thrombocytes or platelets. It is caused by Ehrlichial disease. This disease occurs due to infection of ehrlichial canis (ticks). It also occurs due to side effects of some medications like sulfanomides or estrogen.

    Leukopenia is the condition where there is increased count of white blood cells. This condition is seen during several viral or bacterial infections. Thus is usually a trigger response to the infection. Leukocytosis is the condition in which there is a massive reduction in WBC in canine blood. This is also a result of viral or bacterial that the canine might be suffering from.

    It is very important to consult a vet right away if you happen to observe signs such as prolonged bleeding, pale gums, progressive weakness, blood in stool. The vet will diagnose the condition and provide the required treatment for the condition.

  • A brief overview on blood glucose tests

    Ever wonder what this frequently used term blood glucose actually does? If not, here’s your answer! Blood glucose (blood sugar), is an element present in the blood that carries sugar to all the body cells, so that they can create energy for physical/mental functions. And naturally this energy (formerly sugar) is a derived from the food that we eat. But at times the body loses its ability to produce insulin, which is important for breaking down the glucose in the body. And in such a condition one develops an autoimmune disease, which is known as diabetes.

    Diabetes can severely disrupt a person’s life, as it can trigger other serious conditions related to eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, etc. But this can only happen if an individual is careless about their lifestyle. With great food habits, ample of exercise and positive attitude one can easily lead a normal life. And to achieve this one has to regularly take blood glucose tests.

    Although everyone is advised to maintain a healthy balance of sugar in the body, a diabetic individual mandatorily needs to keep an eye on the glucose levels. They can monitor their diabetes condition by regularly conducting a blood glucose test. Most people with diabetes ideally must check their blood levels every day. This is because then they can effectively manage their dietary schedules, exercises and medications.

    A diabetic patient needs a glucose meter aka glucometer to measure their sugar levels in blood. It is a brilliant device that can effectively help you maintain self-discipline as well as accuracy. The device comes in a kit which has a log diary, lancets and small needles.

    The glucometer is extremely simple to use and handle. You just need to ensure two things while you’re using the glucose meter. Firstly, make sure that you clean your hands with soap, as you don’t want initiate any form of contamination in your blood stream. Secondly try not to share your kit with anyone or use someone else’s kit, as it can be infected. Preferably you must maintain a log diary, this will not just aid you but also your doctor who can analyze your progress accordingly.

    Usually for a fasting test, normal level of blood glucose ranges around 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter. On the other hand, when it comes to a random blood glucose test, it must ideally fall under the range 125 milligrams per deciliter. If you observe anything beyond this level, then you must immediately consult your doctor to gain more perspective about your condition.

  • Details of prostate-specific antigen blood test

    Prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system and PSA (prostate specific agent) is a protein produced by prostate cells. Prostate cancer is diagnosed with the help of a PSA test. PSA test is performed by taking a blood sample from the patient. High PSA range indicates cancer or inflamed prostate. So, when PSA test is taken, other factors that confirm prostate cancer must be taken into account as well.

    Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Though high level of PSA can indicate cancer, a healthy man without any cancer should have little amount of PSA in his blood circulation.

    To prepare for the test, make sure your doctor is aware of the medication you are on. Some medication can tamper with your blood test and make your PSA range appear falsely low. Other than informing your doctor about the medication, there is nothing more you have to do to prepare for the test.

    The PSA test is performed for these reasons:

    • To check if the patient has prostate cancer
    • To check if the treatments for prostate cancer are going right and if the cancer has returned
    • To check if the prostate gland is normal or not during physical exam

    Checking the PSA range may increase the chance of finding prostate cancer when it is at an early stage. But before you take this test, ask your doctor if there can be any negative consequences of the test.


    The PSA test alone cannot diagnose the prostate cancer. One needs to get a prostate biopsy done to diagnose this cancer. Your doctor will consider your age, medication, ethnicity and other things along with your test to decide whether your PSA is normal or more tests are required.

    PSA range is considered normal when it is 4.0 nanograms per millimeter or blood (4.0 ng/ml). Men who are in their 50s or are younger should have their PSA range below 2.5 ng/ml of blood. Older men usually have higher ranger of PSA as compared to younger men.

    PSA test is important to know if someone has prostate cancer or not, but it is not foolproof. This is because there are other causes of high level of PSA such as:

    Large prostate
    Infection is prostate
    UTI Urinary Tract Infection
    Recent intercourse or ejaculation
    Recent placement of catheter tube
    Recent bladder tests

  • 4 reasons for high bilirubin levels

    Found in bile produced by the body, bilirubin is produced when old red blood cells are broken down by the liver. The hemoglobin in the red blood cells is converted to bilirubin. Bilirubin is brownish yellow. It is ejected from the body through stools.

    Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in small amounts. Although this small amount is not harmful, an excess of bilirubin in the body can lead to a lot of health complications. Diseases of the liver, red blood cells or gallbladder can lead to high bilirubin levels in the body. It may cause jaundice and yellow discoloration of the skin or whites of the eyes. Here are four reasons that may cause high bilirubin levels:

    • Gallbladder and bile duct disease: High bilirubin levels can be caused due to damage or blockage of bile ducts. The blockage can be caused due to a condition known as cholestasis. This condition can also reduce the secretion of bile from the liver leading to high bilirubin levels. Gallbladder stones can also cause the levels of bilirubin to increase.
    • Liver diseases: To be ejected from the body, bilirubin needs to be in soluble form. The conversion into soluble bilirubin is done by the liver. Conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis cause the liver to malfunction and interfere with the conversion of bilirubin. Thus, bilirubin is not excreted from the body, leading to an increased level in the body. Genetic conditions such as Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Gilbert syndrome can also lead to high bilirubin levels.
    • Hemolytic anemia: This condition causes a premature breakdown of the red blood cells. This increased rate of red blood cells breakdown leads to an increased production of bilirubin in the body. Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus can also cause hemolytic anemia leading to high bilirubin levels in the body. Specific types of leukemia, lymphoma, and Epstein-Barr virus can also bring about hemolytic anemia.
    • Medications: High bilirubin levels can also be caused by the use of certain medications. These medications affect the functioning of the liver and the production of bilirubin in the body. Certain types of antibiotics that are used to treat gout can lead to high bilirubin levels. Psychiatric drugs, antibiotics, estrogen drugs, and anabolic steroids can also lead to high bilirubin levels. The excess use of medications that prove to be toxic to the liver can cause the levels of bilirubin in the body to go up.
  • Why should you take the hemoglobin A1C test

    Hemoglobin is that one term you often come across when you go for a blood test. These are iron-containing agents (complex protein) you find in your red blood cells that help the body to function by using oxygen. Hemoglobin determines when and how to use oxygen for the body. In other words, hemoglobin’s function is to carry oxygen to the body tissues form lungs and to pump oxygen. It is the iron content in hemoglobin that keeps the red blood cells in shape.

    Here is what goes wrong and why you go for hemoglobin A1C test:

    As we read above that hemoglobin is a protein that is found in the red blood cells. Glucose is type of sugar that helps provide energy to your body. When everything is in the right amount, your body functions perfectly. But then there is too much glucose in your body, it crosslinks to your hemoglobin and this crosslinking is called Glycation. And the glycated hemoglobin is called A1C. This is why we go for a hemoglobin A1C test to find out the level of glycated hemoglobin in your blood. Another term for glycated hemoglobin is Hb1c.

    If you are diabetic, getting a hemoglobin A1C test is gives you a clear picture of how much glucose has been cross-linked to your hemoglobin or in other words, how much glycation is there in your body.

    If you are obese without diabetes or overweight without diabetes, even then you should get hemoglobin A1C test done as that can help you prevent from getting diabetes in the future. Here is the reason why you should get this test done even if you are not diabetic:

    For instance, you were on a high glucose diet in the past couple of days (unknowingly). That led to cross linkage of glucose to your hemoglobin causing glycation. You realize you have been taking too much sugar so now you are conscious about what you eat and so, your blood sugar level now seems fine. But does that mean you are out of danger? The answer is no. That is because your red blood cells might still have the memory of A1C, however, the memory cannot stay for long as the red blood cells constantly change over the course of 3-4 months. The hemoglobin A1C test will show you your blood sugar level of till date from the time they (red blood cells) had been formed newly. So, now you will know how your glucose has been doing over the past 3-4 months and that is helpful information for you by leading you to the path of maintaining healthy hemoglobin A1C level, which is close to, or less than 5%.

  • 5 grave blood disorders that can prove fatal if left unchecked

    The human body is no stranger to malicious agents attacking it, and desperately trying to enter it to cause a ruckus that will have us confined to the bed for a long time. Every part, every organ and every element in the body is vulnerable to disorders, be it the kidneys, lungs, heart, and even blood.

    Blood disorders aren’t a rare phenomenon, 2 in 10 individuals suffer from blood disorders in the USA. These blood disorders surface when the components of blood are affected, and the ailment becomes prominent when left unchecked. The components of blood, the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, can trigger different types of blood disorders. Even the liquid part of the blood, the plasma remains unsafe from the onslaught of various diseases. One needs to be aware of the dangers blood disorders pose. Here are some of the common blood disorders that can affect anyone.

    • Anemia- Anemia is a blood disorder that affects the red blood cells. Red blood cells (RBCs) are the oxygen carriers; they carry oxygen to and from the lungs. When these red blood cells are affected, it hampers this entire process. The deficiency of iron in the blood is the cause of Anemia. The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, and when there’s a deficiency of iron in the body, it affects the hemoglobin count, which, in turn, hinders the RCBs function.
    • Sickle Cell Anemia– Another blood disorder that causes serious disruption in the body is the Sickle Cell Anemia. In this blood disorder, the RBCs are sickle-shaped. This unusual shape of the RBCs interferes with its primal function of transferring oxygen to the different parts of the body. This blood disorder is genetic, and stem cell therapy might be the only way of treating this blood disorder.
    • Lymphoma- This blood disorder surfaces when the white blood cells, lymphocytes are affected. It is a type of blood cancer where the white blood cells start modifying and grow out of control. In fact, it starts multiplying at an uncontrolled rate. Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are the two types of lymphoma that can affect an individual.
    • Hemophilia- Hemophilia is a blood disorder that occurs when the platelets are affected. The platelets are known to prevent excessive bleeding by cause clots at the spot of injury. A person suffering from hemophilia is prone to excessive bleeding inside or outside the body since the platelet is affected and it cannot form clots to stop the bleeding.
    • Thalassemia- Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the RBCs ability to transfer oxygen to the different parts of the body. When this blood disorder strikes, it causes various complications such as heart problems, bone deformities, enlarged spleen, and developmental delays in children.
  • Know more about your hemoglobin A1C test

    What is hemoglobin A1C test?
    You can call this a diagnostic procedure that determines your blood sugar level from the time blood new red blood cells were created in your body. Red blood cells renew in within 3-4 months, so this test usually shows the blood sugar level of the past 3-4 months. This hemoglobin A1C blood test helps you to find out how close you are to getting diabetes so you can take necessary precautions before things go out of hand. You also come to know what type of diabetes you have, if you have.

    Cost of hemoglobin A1C test
    The cost of this test may vary from location to location. In some areas the cost is between $28 to $49 and in some it starts from $100. You can perform a local search to know about the cost in your neighborhood.

    Without insurance: Medical cost has drastically moved higher over the past couple of years and without insurance your hemoglobin A1C test can cost you a lot because it isn’t a one time test, to monitor your blood sugar level, this test will be recommended more than once. A single test can cost around $100 and combined tests can come up to $1500 without insurance.

    With insurance: People who have insurance will not face the above-mentioned cost as most insurance have the cost of blood tests covered. However, there are some insurance that might not fully cover the cost, for that you might have to check your insurance policy.

    How hemoglobin A1C test works?
    A1C is another word for glycated hemoglobin. When glucose cross links with hemoglobin, it becomes glycated hemoglobin leading a person towards diabetes condition. Hemoglobin A1C test measures the A1C level. This test can also diagnose pre-diabetes apart from Type II diabetes.

    Who should get tested?
    Diabetes is a lifetime disease and a serious disease. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you cannot cure it. The only way to deal with it is by following a certain type of restrictive lifestyle. Hence, it is importance to learn if you are close to getting the disease or not so you can take precautions.

    People who are obese should definitely get this test done. Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes and many other blood and heart related diseases.

    People who are overweight but not obese should also get this test done as they can get diabetes if certain things aren’t controlled before time.

    People who have a family history of diabetes should also get this test done as in most cases people who are slightly overweight and have a family history of diabetes, might be more prone to diabetes than people who have no family history of diabetes.

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  • 4 hacks that make using Huawei Mate 10 Pro delightful

    The popular flagship smartphone from Huawei, the Huawei Mate 10 Pro has garnered immense popularity, owing to the fact that it is the perfect amalgamation of functionality and style. Huawei dropped the bulky metal chassis that had often proven detrimental since people prefer sleek smartphones. The Huawei Mate 10 Pro has an attractive, refined all-glass look that gives it an almost bezel-less design, and a regal appearance. However, it is not simply a good-looking smartphone; it is one of the most powerful smartphones in the market. In addition to the Kirin 970 AI Processor that allows the users to revel in the newfound speedy functions, the Huawei Mate 10 Pro is equipped with a series of features that makes the user experience impeccable.

    So, if you are keen on buying the Huawei Mate 10 Pro, there are certain things you can do with this amazing smartphone.

    • Save the battery: Huawei Mate 10 Pro already has a long battery life, but this doesn’t imply that you cannot use hacks to save your battery from draining. As an SOS when your battery is about to give up, you can use this hack to prevent your battery from dying completely. All you have to do is go to Settings> Battery> Ultra Power Saving Mode or Power Saving Mode. You can choose either of these on the basis of the urgency.
    • Don’t worry about privacy: For those who refrain from letting others use their cell phones for making calls, or are simply uneasy if they let their phones out of sight for a few minutes, this hack is a lifesaver. The Huawei Mate 10 Pro has an inbuilt feature known as the App Lock that allows you to easily lock down any app on your phone. Go to Settings> Security and Privacy> App Lock. All you have to do is set a PIN or pattern, and you can lock whichever apps you want.
    • Use knuckle gestures: Huawei Mate 10 Pro allows its users to use knuckle gestures to open at apps. All you have to do is draw the specific letter with your knuckle, and voila! the app is opened. You have to go to the Settings>Smart Assistance> Motion Control> Draw. You can even take screenshots with gestures. Follow the same technique but choose “Smart Screenshot” instead of “Draw.”
    • Make your app’s twin: The Huawei Mate 10 Pro is a smartphone in every sense; it even allows you create your app’s twin. The App Twin feature allows you to use two different accounts on a single app. This proves instrumental in allowing you to manage your personal and professional life effectively and prevents overlapping of the same.

    So, try these hacks when you buy the Huawei Mate 10 Pro.

  • How to prevent urinary incontinence

    Urinary incontinence is a problem where you can lose control of your bladder. It can be a temporary issue due to minor health problems like coughing and infections or can be chronic due to underlying diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease.

    It can also occur during pregnancy and after childbirth. Estrogen loss due to menopause, an enlarged prostate, certain cancers, constipation, poor diet and certain lifestyle factors can cause urinary bladder control problems.

    Can you prevent urinary incontinence?
    It may not always be possible to avoid urinary bladder control problems. But you can certainly minimize your risks of experiencing urinary incontinence.

    • An unhealthy lifestyle can cause urinary incontinence in any age.
    • A diet lacking in fiber and high in fats, sugar, and spices can increase your chances of experiencing bladder problems.
    • Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea, and smoking are risk factors for bladder problems.
    • Obesity can also contribute to your poor bladder health.

    Preventive measures 

    • One can Include plenty of fiber in their diet in the form of whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
    • Consume caffeine and alcoholic beverages in moderation. Quit smoking.
    • If you have a family history of urinary incontinence, reduce your intake of citrus fruits and tomato-based food products. All these foods can aggravate any existing urinary problem you may have and also make you more susceptible to urinary bladder control problems.
    • Maintain a healthy body weight.
    • Underlying health problems can cause urinary incontinence.
    • Medical conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke, an enlarged prostate, urinary tract infections, spinal injuries, and others can cause urinary bladder control issues.
    • You may not be able to prevent the disease itself, but you can certainly manage it well and minimize its symptoms like urinary incontinence.

    Preventive measures

    • Manage the disease that is causing the symptom of urinary incontinence. For instance, if diabetes is causing urinary bladder control problems for you, maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar can help prevent urinary incontinence.
    • To prevent urinary tract infections, drink sufficient water and wear cotton underwear.

    Small lifestyle and health changes can go a long way in keeping urinary incontinence at bay.

  • The best antiperspirants for men to keep sweat at bay

    Everybody aspires to look nice and a lot of effort goes into deciding what you would wear for your evening date, or when you decided to meet your girlfriend’s parents. But, things start taking a nose-dive when you see patches of sweat ruining your favorite shirt. Not only does sweat make your clothes look bad, the body odor it gives rise to is unpleasant as well. For controlling your perspiration and getting rid of the body odor, antiperspirants made their debut a long time ago. Antiperspirants and deodorants are used interchangeably. The only difference is that antiperspirants reduce the formation of sweat and deodorants don’t stop you from sweating, instead they mask the odor of the sweat with a pleasant one.

    These days, you can avail of the combined qualities of both, deodorants and antiperspirants in one single bottle. Since the Men’s section at the supermarket has arrays of antiperspirants, you would definitely have a hard time making the right choice. So, to rescue you from the horns of the dilemma, here’s a list of the 10 best antiperspirants for men that can become a part of your morning hygiene ritual.

    Jack Black Pit Boss’ Antiperspirant and Deodorant- If the underarm sweat patches and your body odor has put you in awkward situations, an antiperspirant combined with the deodorant’s quality would do wonders for you. Jack Black Pit Boss’ works like magic and doesn’t hurt your sensitive skin.

    Dove Men+ Care Antiperspirant and Deodorant- Dove has been credited with creating fragrances that are mild yet pleasing. You wouldn’t want to end up with a headache that accompanies strong fragrances. This antiperspirant would last throughout the day and neither your body nor your clothes would reek of any odor.

    Clinique for Men Antiperspirant and Deodorant stick- Our underarms have sensitive skin, and deodorants with alcohol content give rise to a burning sensation. Clinique is the perfect antiperspirant since it is odorless, controls your sweat and wouldn’t interfere with your favorite cologne.

    Molton Brown London Sport Antiperspirant Stick- This antiperspirant is devoid of any alcohol content, so say goodbye to the tingling and burning sensation in your underarms. Also, it would leave no stains on your favorite shirt. The mixed fragrance of citrus and wood is subtle yet appealing.

    Vichy Antiperspirant Treatment 48Hr- The name is suggestive of how long this antiperspirant would last. This antiperspirant can be considered to be among the 10 best antiperspirants for men since it doesn’t give rise to rashes, doesn’t leave a stain and doesn’t have a strong smell.

    Degree for Men Clinical Sports Strength, Axe White label, SweatBlock, Mitchum for Men, Arrid XX, Rich Guard Xtreme, etc. are also considered to be among the 10 best antiperspirants for men.