• Food that you should eat to reduce muscle cramps

    Most of us have experienced a muscle cramp, at least once in our lifetime. And everyone will accept, this pain is not less than a thousand needles piercing through. The excruciating pain can leave you cringing for several minutes and leave you motionless for a while.

    There are several reasons that cause your muscles to strain in such a way and these include wrong exercise practices, dehydration, diabetes, etc. But the consumption of the right type of foods will indubitable rest and relief from muscle cramps in the long run.

    Quinoa: Quinoa is a type of grain that is very similar to rice and has gained popularity in these recent years, for all the right reasons. To be cooked and eaten in a way that is very similar to rice, quinoa contains loads of magnesium that is good for your muscles.

    Bananas: Bananas come packed with potassium and this mineral a good source that strengthens your muscular function. Potassium supplements may lead to an overdose which is not good and getting this mineral through natural foods it better. Foods such as sweet potatoes and melons too can lend your body good amounts of potassium.

    Dairy: Dairy products such as milk, low-fat yogurt, cream, etc give your body good amounts of calcium. Calcium keeps your muscles from contracting. Moreover, calcium deficiency can cause muscle spasm that leads to the muscles getting cramped. Having a glass of milk or consuming yogurt during breakfast can leave you with enough amount of calcium. Other foods that give you calcium include leafy vegetable and sardines.

    Celery: Celery is known to have numerous health benefits. This food provides your body with a good source of sodium that maintains normal fluid balance in the body. Your body does need salt after a workout, this is because it loses a lot while you sweat. It is necessary that you replenish this loss equal amounts of sodium. Celery gives your body the requisite amount naturally.

    Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a good source of magnesium. Adding this to our breakfast meal will relax your muscles and keep your stomach full at the same time. Whole-wheat preparations such as bread and pasta too are good sources of magnesium.

    Beans: Beans are yet another food source that will provide your body with a bountiful of magnesium. Include beans in your daily diet and the magnesium will prevent muscle twitches and painful cramps.

    These are a few food that you should include in your diet in order to free away from muscle cramps.

  • Here are the foods that are likely to cause ibs symptoms

    IBS is a chronic condition that affects a large number of people. The disorder is caused by trouble with the normal functioning of large intestine or pain with bowel habits. And although not a life threatening disease, it does lead to a lot of discomforts and disrupts the way an individual continues to live life.
    Any individual, at any stage in life, can be at the receiving end of this bowel syndrome, however, there are certain people who are at a higher risk. Younger people in their teens, going up to the age of 40, females, persons with mental illness are more likely to suffer from IBS.

    The causes of IBS are not very well defined and it is no doubt that the food one consumes can an added effect on the condition, Here are a few foods that are likely to trigger IBS symptoms and one should try and keep away.

    Insoluble fiber food – Consumption of fiber is necessary to keep your gut healthy and your bowels clean. However, too much of fiber in one’s system can lead to the constant need to visit the toilet. For this reason, consuming soluble fiber is a better idea. Avoid or decrease the intake of foods such as bell peppers, eggplant, celery, etc.

    Gluten – A lot of people are allergic to gluten. An ingestion of gluten can worsen the condition of a person suffering from IBS. Moreover, with a large number of gluten foods crowding the market, people are consuming it in larger quantities. You can try and substitute your food with gluten-free products.

    Oily food – Oil is one of the most common offenders. It can be especially found in fried foods that most people find irresistible. The fat content in this kind of foods can be very hard for the system to process and can thereby, worsen the symptoms of IBS.

    Dairy foods – Dairy comes with lactose, something that a lot of people’s digestive system may be intolerant towards. Moreover, it can trigger an increase in diarrhea. For these reasons, it may be advisable to cut down on or stay away from milk products. However, do contact you doctor who will be able to help you with a substitute.

    The symptoms will vary from person to person and the food that can aggravate symptoms too will vary. Thus, one should be vigilant and try and detect the food that causes the onset of symptoms in him/her.

  • Diet plans to burn belly fat

    Your clothes feel tight when you have fat accumulated in your mid-section. Not only does it look awkward, but it is also not healthy. Lack of exercise and eating unhealthy food is the main cause of belly fat. Abdominal fat can lead to serious health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and colorectal cancer. Generally when you start working out to lose weight, fat around your belly is the last one to burn. If you really want to lose your belly fat fast, you need to follow diet plans that work. Do not skip your breakfast and start starving because starving will only make you eat more.

    Count your calorie intake:
    The first step in your fat-burning program is limiting your calorie intake. If you start to take 500 calories less every day in your diet, you will lose 1 pound a week. To find out how many calories you need for your ideal weight, you need to multiply your body weight by 15 if you are an active man, and multiply it by 12 if you are an active woman. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, multiply the body weight by 13 for men and multiply by 10 for women. The answer will be your ideal calorie intake.

    Have a healthy breakfast:
    Protein is good for you when you want to lose weight. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, protein makes you feel full. So when you eat protein for breakfast, you are less likely to eat unhealthy snacks later in the day. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. It can be something like a ham, omelet, low-fat Greek yogurt with berries and almonds, two pieces of lean bacon grilled with tortilla, or a protein shake with two servings of fruits.

    Ensure a protein-packed lunch:
    Your lunch should also be packed with protein. The main portion of your lunch can be canned tuna, cottage cheese, salmon, or turkey. Depending on your calorie intake, select your protein. If your calorie intake is low, go for a protein salad and a soup for lunch and if you exercise regularly, and if your calorie intake is more, take your protein along with a wrap or a bagel and mixed nuts.

    Opt for a healthy dinner:
    Your dinner can have complex carbohydrates along with protein and healthy fats. You can choose to have a shrimp and avocado rice bowl or a vegetarian pizza with a crust made with whole wheat flour. You can make your dinner interesting as long as you keep your recipe according to your diet plan.

    Choose no-sugar low-fat snacks to eat between your meals. Some of the healthy snacks include low-fat cottage cheese, raw nuts, pre-cooked meat, low carb protein bars, and others.
    Along with a balanced diet, you also need to work out to burn fat accumulated around your tummy.

  • Natural food items that eliminate bloating

    Stomach bloating is a condition that is characterized by the stomach being filled with gas. It is sometimes known as flatulence and can cause a lot of discomfort. Although it might be associated with stomach infections, it is not always the case. The bloating could be escalated by a variety of factors that an individual can submit him or herself into.

    Treating this condition requires strong anti-acids that will neutralize the gas and make you feel better than before. Opting for foods to stop bloating are the best option since besides just stopping the bloating, you will also get nutrients to help you make your body healthy. Check out some of the food items that can help you stop bloating

    Kiwi fruit
    This is a South Asian fruit that is normally used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. It is known to work by stopping the reactions that produce gas. This way you will be able to feel good with the first few bites of the fruit. Kiwi fruit can be found easily in any fruit mart and is very beneficial when it comes to eliminating flatulence.

    Peppermint tea
    For decades, the product has been used to treat digestion problems and stomach pains. It is known to make people feel better whenever they take this tea. The bloating disappears and you feel fresh and sound. To ensure that you have the best outcomes, you should use it regularly and in large quantities.

    This spice is known to heal stomach upsets and pains. It can also be used in the treatment of stomach bloating. You must use it in the right dosages for it to work efficiently. It has anti-inflammatory effects that will make sure your stomach heals from the disease. Whether it is indigestion or stomach bloating, they can all be eliminated with turmeric. Turmeric is clean, and efficient in functioning. If you have diarrhea, make sure that it is treated first before looking at any remedy for bloating. Foods to stop bloating are many, but this one is a must-have.

    Bananas, if eaten routinely, they cleanse your stomach and intestine, thereby keeping you free from gas. So the next time you go fruit-shopping, ensure you pick up some bananas as well, which falls in the category of foods to stop bloating.

    The bottom line is that you can combine these kinds of foods so that you get enhanced results. In case you have excessive bloating problems, get a scan to determine what the problem could be. Knowing the perfect causative agents is what will aid in the right treatment of stomach bloating.

  • Why should you include high fiber foods in your daily diet?

    The sedentary lifestyle of 21st century, where everything is at our fingertips (literally) is turning us into a passive workaholics seated in our office chairs undergoing minimal body stress. The eating habits so developed are unhealthy to the extent that we have started facing old age ailments that were normally a thing of late forties and fifties

    Fast food which is junk food on the go has an abundance of trans fat and very low amount of fiber, which is unhealthy for the body. To make matters worse, people who are not active enough and eat junk food on a daily basis, are probably more prone to have arteries deposited with high amounts of cholesterol, making them vulnerable to high blood pressure and strokes.

    Having a low fiber diet exposes one to bodily problems like; poor digestive health as the food they are consuming is already processed, it leaves minimum effort for the stomach to process it further, which makes it weaker. This further leads to constipation, diverticular disease and even hemorrhoids.

    A Low fiber diet is an invitation to cardiovascular diseases. Junk food which has higher level of LDL cholesterol deposits in inner lining of the arteries decreasing its circumference and making it difficult for your heart to pump blood. This increases the blood pressure of the body and puts it under the risk of heart diseases.

    A diet that has irregular food clock hours, high in trans-fat and very minimal amount of fiber does not fulfill the satiety which makes you feel hungry even after you had a five hundred ounce burger. This in turn results in eating more, which increases your weight in an unhealthy.

    Hence, it is advisable that you include high fiber snacks in your daily diet which will keep you full for longer hours. High fiber snacks are a great source of poly-saturated and mono-saturated fats which are good for the body. The unsaturated fats (mono-saturated or poly-saturated) help regulate the cholesterol in the body. It eases inflammation and regulates heart beat rhythms. Including high fiber snacks added with proteinaceous diet in your daily food cycle increases the muscle retention of your body which leaves little or no room for fatty tissue, eventually helping you getting rid of it. One of the main reasons athletes stick to a high fiber diet is that, it helps in muscle growth and hence increases the stamina. Thus, including high fiber foods in your daily diet is a healthy option and can do more good to your body than you can think.


  • The 1200 calorie diet food plan

    The one word that makes all the difference in our game to fight weight loss, is calories. We’ve organized a plan for you, which can make you fix the calorie chart that torments your diet plan. Free diet meal plans are a great way to bring down your calorie consumption to 1200 calories, the lowest one can manage in a day.

    Breakfast: You need a truck load of energy to progress in the day, and what better than a glass of fresh juice? 1 cup of orange juice, ½ cup oatmeal, 1 cup low fat yogurt and black coffee or herbal tea. This is just the combination you need to begin your day, with the healthiest items you’ll find in any diet freak’s kitchen. A slice of whole wheat toast greased with a tablespoon of butter. ½ cup canned fruit cocktail, which is a fruit salad with juice. A cup of trim milk can be another alternative to your breakfast menu. You can choose to alternate between the two.

    Snack: Who said dieting is boring when you can have delicious and colorful foods, and treats in a snack. In case your hesitant to go on with the smoothie every day, a medium sized banana should fill you equally.

    Lunch: The meal of the day that you can cheat a little and also eat more than usual. But with this chart, the plan suggested would make you want to just follow this for the longest to come. Two slices of whole wheat bread, ½ cup tuna, a bowl of salad. Not just some vegetables together, but a smart blend of 1 tomato, ½ cucumber, 1 cup lettuce with a teaspoon of mayonnaise and ½ a tablespoon of olive oil. A salad is all about its dressings and the ingredients it holds to waver the hunger out of your stomach. 8 whole wheat crackers with ½ cup low fat cottage cheese, 6 ounces of mixed nuts, 1 medium apple, etc. can be an optional menu for days when you want to have a change.

    Dinner: Meat is one of the most essential elements of a diet. 3.5 ounces of chicken breasts (boneless, and remember to take of the skin) that is grilled. 1 cup Broccoli, and ½ a cup cooked brown rice. This managed delight for a dinner would give you one of the best feelings ever. It is so light and yet filling. A small baked potato, 3 ounces of sirloin steak, ½ cup mushrooms, ¼ cup onions, 1 teaspoon olive or canola oil and a cup of mixed vegetables, could be an alternative choice for you.

  • Diverticulosis diet plan

    Diverticula are small pouches that are present near the colon or large intestine. They usually bulge out of the colon. This condition is called as diverticulosis. It gets common as people age. Some common symptoms of diverticulosis are mild cramps, bloating, and constipation. The condition can get worse and diverticulosis can turn into diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a modified condition of diverticulosis, in which the pouches become inflamed and infectious.

    Most people don’t have the above-mentioned symptoms of diverticulosis which generally leads to diverticulitis. Hence, if a person experiences any of the above symptoms, he or she needs to begin to follow a specific diet before the condition worsens.

    It is seen that a low fiber diet is linked to the cause of diverticulosis. The goal should be to cut back on low fiber diet and incorporate food which is high on fiber.

    High fiber foods are the ones that consist of whole wheat, oat, bran, whole grain, cereal, vegetable fruits, and legumes.

    You can begin to incorporate the above food by:

    Replacing white bread and pasta with whole wheat ones. White bread and pasta are made of gram flour which, first of all, has minimal nutrients and is difficult for the large intestine to process. White bread and pasta takes longer time to process and digest and remains in our system for a longer period which is not a good sign if a person is suffering from diverticulosis.

    It is advisable that you have at least two meals a week that contains legumes (instead of meat). Legumes includes beans, soy beans, peas, and lentils. They can be a decent substitute as they contain a certain amount protein. Consuming meat while suffering from diverticulosis can result in inflammation of the pouches that are developed near the colon. This is because digesting meat can take a longer time. The longer it remains in the system, the more harmful it is for the aforesaid condition.

    Develop a habit of eating fruits with the skin. Fruits are easy to digest as most of them have high water content. Eating them without peeling off the skin increases the fibrous content which can be good for the condition.

    Have vegetables with every meal or snacks in the form of salad. Drinking a broth of boiled vegetable is a healthy option.

    Take enough fluids with every meal and in between, this will keep your digestive system hydrated at all times.

  • Choosing the perfect diet plan to lose weight

    Losing weight is a big challenge. People in America have approximately spent over $60 billion on different diet plans to lose weight. But not every diet plan works. Diet plans that work for people to lose weight need to be designed by experienced nutritionists who know how to make a low-calorie diet that not only helps you lose weight but also doesn’t deprive you of nutrition. The diet plans that claim to make you lose weight fast comes at a cost. But if you cannot afford to register in those weight loss programs, then there are some diet plans that are available for free.

    Exchange diet:
    Exchange diet is a diet plan designed by The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for people with diabetes. In this plan, food items are grouped based on the nutritional composition. Depending on the tastes, food items can be exchanged in each group. This diet plan also works for people who are desperate to lose weight. The plan teaches you how to limit calories and make healthy choices. The meal patterns are based on a 1200 and 1600 calorie diet. Also they have separate plans for Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians and Southern cuisine.

    DASH Diet:
    As per the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is considered to be one of the healthiest diets. This diet encourages eating food rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and protein. Sources of such nutrition are vegetables, fruits, nonfat or low-fat dairy food, poultry, fish, seeds, nuts, beans, and whole grains. This diet is not specifically designed for weight loss. However, it is a low-calorie diet plan and works great for people who want to lose weight.

    Go through this website if you want to learn how to diet sensibly. They have a lot of information on weight loss and also provide meal plans, recipes, and tips on exercises. You can plan your shopping by visiting the weekly meal plan section where you get to know what you need for the next one-week diet. You can count your calorie intake and calories burnt through the calorie calculator. This website is very helpful for people who are serious about weight loss.

    This website is created by the US Department of Agriculture to help people eat better. The site has tools that help you lose weight and it also teaches you to eat healthily. It takes a step by step approach on the weight loss plan. It basically starts with focusing on what you are eating, then it offers tips on how to control your intake and make better food choices. You can also find daily food plan here to make things easy for you.

    You really do not have to spend a hefty amount to understand how to eat and what to eat to lose weight. The above-discussed websites have health professionals who design meal plans, keeping the nutritional values and calorie requirements in view.

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  • Avoid these foods to manage multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Although it might not seem obvious, the food you eat can be a trigger for the symptoms of this condition. Therefore, being aware of the foods to avoid when diagnosed with this condition is critical in managing it effectively and preventing it from worsening. Listed below are some foods you should avoid if you have been diagnosed with this condition.

    Saturated fats

    This type is mostly found in animal products such as full-fat dairy items, although it can also be found in food items containing coconut or palm oil. These fats can raise bad or LDL cholesterol levels increasing your risk of heart disease. According to a study, if you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, then you are already at a higher risk for developing various heart problems. Therefore, avoiding these unhealthy fats might be a good idea, and opt for healthier alternatives.

    Trans fats

    This is another type of fat best avoided by those with multiple sclerosis. It is mostly found in baked goods such as pies, cookies, and other packaged food items. Trans fats can trigger or increase inflammation in the blood vessels, which can cause heart problems. When checking packaged food labels, look for terms such as shortening and partially hydrogenated oil.


    Milk, especially cow’s milk, contains saturated fat and proteins that can affect the health of individuals with MS. The proteins in milk, in some cases, could stimulate the immune cells, which could result in the formation of lesions. According to research studies, avoiding or limiting the consumption of milk can help relieve MS symptoms. Although, you should ensure that you get sufficient protein, Vitamin D, and calcium from other food sources.


    Sugar is most often listed at the top among the foods to avoid to manage various health conditions effectively. Hence, it should also be avoided if you have multiple sclerosis. Excessive consumption of sugar in the form of sweets and desserts can lead to an increase in weight which would, in turn, result in more pressure being exerted on the joints. This can cause mobility issues and interfere with daily activities. Being overweight can also worsen the symptoms of fatigue in those with MS. The crash that occurs with the overconsumption of sugar can also affect mood and cause brain fog in patients with this condition.

    Refined grains

    Food items such as potatoes and white rice, pasta, and bread can cause your blood glucose levels to increase very quickly. These spikes in blood glucose levels could damage the myelin sheath that covers the neural cells. This can result in triggering symptoms of conditions that result in neural dysfunction such as MS. Hence, opt for whole grain products as a healthy alternative.


    According to an article published in Nature Neuroscience, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis could get triggered or worsen due to the consumption of large amounts of salt. Hence, it might be best to limit the amount of salt you use even to season your food. You can choose spices such as pepper instead. Also, avoid consuming canned products and deli meats that could be high in sodium and choose fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.

    Processed foods

    Processed foods could contain additives, preservatives, and other ingredients that help to increase their shelf-life or to make them more visually appealing and tasty. These additives can impact the functioning of the immune system. Optimum functioning of the immune system is necessary to slow down the progression of MS. Hence, as much as possible, avoid processed and packaged food items and opt for fresh produce.

    Numerous health conditions can be effectively managed through the food you eat, and MS is one of them. Be mindful of these and other food items that could trigger symptoms or worsen your condition and try to avoid them as much as possible.

  • Revive your dining room with Flexsteel Furniture

    Flexsteel Furniture brings you varied options in dining room furniture. You can pick from various styles and combine them to create the perfect dining experience. So, whether you want a modern dining room or a traditional one, pay a visit to Flexsteel furniture to pick the pieces that suit your taste the best.

    Dining Tables
    Don’t think that the dining table only serves the purpose of gathering for lunch, dinner and other meals. The perfect choice of furniture for your dining room and especially the dining table can set the tone for the overall look of the room. At Flexsteel Furniture you will get fashionable round and rectangular dining tables. They are a perfect fusion of the contemporary and modern style with a rustic touch for the finishing. The dining tables have their own unique elegance. The table tops are holistic and with a smooth finish. The round and rectangular shapes are timeless choices for the modern dining room. When you want an easy conversation, round tables are the best. But when you want to accommodate many guests, then rectangular tables are ideal.

    Dining Chairs
    Most people think that buying a dining set is perfect and buying them separately can be intimidating. But there is no hard and fast rule that says that you have to buy the table and chairs all together. It is entirely up to you. Buying the furniture separately doesn’t mean they won’t look good together. For that, you need to have the right sense of decor and style. Whether you want a casual dining room or a formal one, Flexsteel furniture has dining chairs for all kinds of decor. Those days are gone when people bought matching chairs with tables. Nowadays, contrast is the new mantra. Since the dining room is usually a busy place, don’t choose chairs that would make the area clumsy. Choose the ones which will swiftly slide in and out from under the dining table. Are grand banquets common in your house? Or do you prefer casual meals? Your choice in chairs should reflect your lifestyle.

    Buffets and Storage
    Everyone loves home-cooked meals. But ensuring a smooth meal involves sufficient space to serve the different dishes. And that is where buffets come in handy. Due to their shape and size, buffets also serve as wonderful accent tables. The beautiful oak construction with a warm look of the Flexsteel furniture storage and buffet cabinets are something you cannot take your eyes off from. The customizable shelving proves to be worthy for those who prefer to introduce their own designs. The tulip-shaped legs in some of the storage cabinets will lend a hint of vintage charm to your room. Buffets and storage are extremely handy in not only your dining area, but in any other room in your house.

    Make your dining room a conversation space and a comfortable spot in your home. Formal or casual, contemporary or traditional, no matter which type you want, Flexsteel furniture has everything you need.

  • Things you need to know about clayton modular homes

    Modular homes as the names suggest are prefabricated living spaces designed on a specific theme or as requested by the client. Home companies are now following this method to manufacture all the structure components off site and then simply assemble them on site, to build a beautiful living space for you and your family. This process is more cost effective and efficient, not to mention time saving since prefabricated structures are easy to manufacture and mass produce.

    Modular homes are fabricated in sections and then assembled together like a big toy set. They are real houses which are eligible for all the particulars of any other type of residential property. This property will depreciate over time just like any other normal property, and the fact that they are nothing more than pieces of house put together doesn’t affect its treatment.

    One of the companies amongst many other who specialize in modular homes is Clayton. Clayton is a big strong team with over 13400 members who have helped families build their dream homes for over 60 years now. Clayton has been providing affordable home and quality living spaces since 1956 with projects ranging from traditional site built homes, modular homes, manufactures homes, college dormitories, apartments and even military barracks.

    Clayton features Energy shared certified homes, which boasts a number of benefits. Energy star homes by Clayton are less expensive compared to your standard homes, because of low utility costs. Energy efficiency also ensures more comfortable and quieter homes. Effective insulation ensures you stay warm during the winters and enjoy a cool breeze with energy efficient cooling, not having to worry about the electricity bill. These home are built with attention to detail which helps eliminate drafts, moisture, dust, petals, pests and pollen. This also improves the quality of air inside and ensures an overall healthy living.

    Modular homes may be constructed in a different way, but they are not so different than regular housing.