• Treatment Options for Four Types of Amyloidosis

    Amyloidosis is a rare disease that occurs when amyloid, a type of protein, builds up in the organs. This protein is produced in the bone marrow and can deposit in any organ or tissue. Statistics show that at least 4,000 people develop the condition in our country. It is usually diagnosed between the ages of 50 and 65. Although the disease can affect any part of the body, it mostly affects the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, and the digestive tract, and severe amyloidosis can even result in organ failure.

    Here are some of the main types of the disease based on particular symptoms:

    Primary amyloidosis (AL)
    The most common type, it is an acquired plasma cell disorder in which a monoclonal immunoglobin chain of protein is overproduced in the bone marrow. Primary amyloidosis (AL) is usually found in blood and urine and occurs with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, lymphoma, or, multiple myeloma. The “AL” in primary amyloidosis refers to light chains. People suffering from this type of the disease usually experience heart failure, protein in the urine, an enlarged liver, kidney failure, and an enlarged tongue.

    Treating primary amyloidosis: The type of treatment provided to the patient is based on the progression of the disease. The treatment plans are three-fold:

    • Supportive treatment: It refers to treating the symptoms and organ damage. Supportive treatment is helpful for treating conditions like cardiac and renal (kidney) problems that might arise due to the disease, and the main aim is to improve the quality of life.
    • Source treatment: The main aim of this treatment is to stop or slow down the overproduction of amyloid at its source. It is often the most preferred treatment option in our country because it provides long-term treatment for the underlying disease.
    • Combination therapy: Many patients have benefited from this type of therapy. The recent development of a new strain of medicines works effectively on the abnormal plasma cells causing AL amyloidosis, and the dosage depends on individual patients. Medicines range from traditional chemotherapy medicines, proteasome inhibitors, and immunomodulators.

    Secondary amyloidosis (AA)
    This type of the condition is caused by inflammatory diseases like familial Mediterranean fever, rheumatoid arthritis, granulomatous ileitis, or other chronic infections. Secondary amyloidosis usually begins in the kidney, but other organs can also be affected. The AA in secondary amyloidosis refers to the AA proteins that are deposited in the organs in the form of fibrils.

    Treating secondary amyloidosis (AA): Currently, there are very few options that directly target the amyloid deposits in the case of secondary amyloidosis (AA). The main aim in treating this type of the disease is to reduce the circulating levels of the precursor protein causing inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and renal diseases. Biological agents like anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor) and (interleukin) IL-1 and IL-6 blockers are some of the main therapeutic options used for treating secondary amyloidosis (AA). In the case of renal failure due to this type, acute or chronic dialysis might be required.

    Familial amyloidosis (ATTR)
    Formerly referred to as senile systemic amyloidosis, it is an inherited form of the disease caused by a mutation in the transthyretin (TTR) gene. It produces an abnormal transthyretin gene, and the most common symptoms of this type are cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscles) and neuropathy (peripheral nervous system failure). The symptoms can manifest between 40 and 55 years of age. Also, there are more than 100 different mutations of familial amyloidosis, which makes it more difficult to treat the disease.

    Treating familial amyloidosis (ATTR): Like secondary amyloidosis, there are very few options available for treating this type. Some FDA-approved medicines are:

    • ATTR stabilizers: These medicines are used to stabilize the abnormal ATTR protein that causes the disease by preventing it from breaking into amyloid fibrils.
    • ATTR silencers: These medicines act on the liver, reducing the production of TTR. They have been specifically studied on patients with nerve problems.
    • Fibril disruptors: This new form of medication helps break up and clear ATTR amyloid fibrils.

    Since TTR is produced in the liver, a liver transplant is also a possible treatment in some forms of familial amyloidosis.

    Localized amyloidosis (ALoc)
    There are many forms of ALoc amyloidosis that leads to deposits in the airway (trachea or bronchus), urinary bladder, or the eyes. It is often caused by the formation of immunoglobin light chains, and these do not originate from the bone marrow. Other types of ALoc amyloidosis are associated with endocrine proteins that are produced in the skin, heart, and other parts of the body.

    Treating ALoc amyloidosis: The best way to treat this type is to treat the underlying disease. This can be either through surgery, medications, or both. Apart from this, targeting the specific protein causing the disease can also slow down the progression of the disease.

    It is necessary for the patient and their loved ones to be careful about the symptoms of the disease as the doctors will provide treatments based on the same. Supportive care like pain medications and counseling is also necessary to manage the disease.

  • Ease Your Itching With The Best Treatment For Eczema

    The most effective eczema treatment is to remove the allergen that is causing the allergic reactions. These allergies develop rashes and itchiness causing high levels of discomfort. The home remedies for eczema treatment may vary from simple to hard levels. Changing laundry detergents and fabric softeners are easy ways to reduce eczema.

    Eczema is a dermatological term used to identify certain medical conditions. It is more prominent in infants and children rather than adults. The main areas affected are limbs, inner curves of elbows, knees, and face. The swelling is red, thick, and dry. The blisters are vulnerable and bursts open with a slight rub. It takes around a week or so to heal. The main irritation is due to excessive itching that can bruise the skin.

    Causes of eczema
    The exact cause of eczema is yet to be analyzed. A potent cause could be the overactive response of the immune system to allergens. The allergens can be identified as one of those listed below.

    • Soaps and detergents

    • Certain fabric or cloth

    • Animal Dander

    • Exposure to extreme hot or cold conditions

    Another important factor that may flare up eczema is stress.

    Eczema treatment
    There are a number of eczema treatment options available and a few of them are mentioned below.

    Vegetable shortening
    Vegetable shortening is a thick and greasy kitchen staple. It is useful in healing dry and patchy scars. Therefore, it is helpful in eczema treatment. Apply the shortening to the affected areas and cover with a plastic wrap. Seal the mouth with a surgical tape. Leave the moisturizer to seep in for 2 to 4 hours. Repeat this process daily until the scars heal.

    Ice-cold milk wash
    Ice-cold milk soak wash is yielding during eczema treatment as it cools the blisters. Soak a washcloth in ice-cold milk and apply on the itchy perimeters. This will have a cooling and healing effect on the rashes. Repeat the process several times a day to ease the discomfort.

    Chamomile has natural soothing properties that act as a great eczema treatment. You can consume chamomile tea as it relaxes your nerves and aids in the healing. You may also take a chamomile bath to soothe your scars. Boil water and let it cool slightly. Add 4 to 5 tea bags of chamomile and allow it to soak in the water. You may also use chamomile leaves. Strain the leaves in a tea strainer and mix the tea in your bath water. Blend the tea in the water and soak yourself in it. You may sip along with some extra tea for added relaxation.

    Turmeric is a natural spice that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is known to reduce inflammation and itchy skin. Thus, it can be considered as an option for eczema treatment. The curcumin antioxidant present in turmeric has properties to neutralize free radicals. Turmeric can be eaten raw or added as a spice to rice, pasta, and vegetables.

    Probiotics introduce healthy bacteria and reduce eczema inflammation. Probiotics are another option available for eczema treatment. Eczema is often hereditary, so the transfer can be stopped by administering probiotics. Probiotics are taken by pregnant mothers before 2 to 4 weeks of delivery. Probiotics are even added to infant food. It has been observed that the babies who had probiotic food had fewer chances of suffering from eczema. Improving balance of gut bacteria is a part of eczema treatment.

    Aloe vera
    Aloe Vera is a natural herb that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has shown a positive result in psoriasis and eczema treatment. The aloe vera gel has cooling components that soothe the skin instantly. Thus, you feel relieved. Aloe vera plant can be grown in a pot so it is advised to keep one at home. You can extract the gel from the leaves. Natural aloe vera gel is available in all leading drugstores also.

    Hempseed oil
    Hempseed oil is a proven cure for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin diseases. It is rich in fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6. The fatty acids trigger the natural immune system and fasten the healing procedure. Consumption of the hemp seed oil improves blood vessels and cures from within. Applying hemp seed oil helps to soothe the itchy and dry skin. So, it has the power to heal inside out and a resultant eczema treatment.

    Essential proteins for eczema treatment
    • Fatty acids like omega 3 are said to relieve inflammations and allergies. Nuts and fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Consumption of fatty acids is helpful as an eczema treatment.

    • Vitamin A and E are useful in reducing dry itchy skin. They also reduce eczema to spread or flare-up.

    • Zinc is another element that has great healing powers. It is highly recommended for eczema treatment as it boosts the function of fatty acids. Thus, it accelerates the healing process.

  • Bipolar mania symptoms Know when to see a doctor

    About one-in-every-five people suffering from bipolar are also affected by borderline personality disorder. Unless a person has severe mania, the disease can be difficult to diagnose. It is a kind of mental disorder where the affected individual suffers from extreme mood swings that range from high known as mania to low called depression and vice versa. These mood swings can also be mixed where a person may be delighted as well as depressed at a particular moment.

    What are the signs and symptoms of bipolar mania?
    There are numerous bipolar mania symptoms, and some of them vary from one person to another. Some of these include:

    • Feeling extreme happiness for extended periods of time.

    • Feeling of sleeplessness and having a reduced need for sleep.

    • Speaking in a fast manner while coping up with the racing thoughts in mind.

    • Being impulsive and extremely restless.

    • Becoming distracted easily.

    • Feeling overconfident about oneself.

    • Indulging in risky activities

    Let us now understand these bipolar mania symptoms in detail.

    Talking swiftly:

    The first of the bipolar mania symptoms include super-fast speech, and sometimes it is so fast that the listeners may fail to understand it. You could be surprised at how a normal and thoughtful person suddenly becomes very hyper-talkative in such a way that you hardly get a chance to get into a conversation.

    Inflation of ego:

    When someone is manifesting bipolar mania symptoms, their choice of words tends to exaggerate their abilities and self-esteem. They would try to prove what they are good at in such a way that it may appear to be bragging. Some people even claim expertise on something that they hardly know about.


    The condition can make a person cut down on sleep to such an extent that they feel as if no sleep is needed. At first, they feel perfectly alright without any sleep, but as time passes, the situation worsens without adequate sleep.

    Risking their life:

    When people are affected by the condition, they tend to take a lot of risks which they stayed away from earlier like, gambling with savings incurred all through life or opting for substantial expenses. Some people open numerous credit accounts while others spend their fortune shopping online or gambling. This often results in bankruptcy and unmanageable disaster.

    Feeling thrilled with the symptoms:

    You would be surprised to know some people undergo the bipolar mania symptoms tend to fall to the highs. Several types of research show that it takes about ten years for the affected people to accept the treatment and this is very dangerous for them.

    These symptoms are usually replaced by the symptoms of depression in a short while. Some people affected by bipolar mania also have suicidal tendencies. If any of your close ones exhibit such bipolar mania symptoms, you should not judge or argue or yell at that person. You must remove all sorts of life-threatening objects that can cause harm to that person.

    Do the bipolar mania symptoms change depending on the type of bipolar disorder?

    There are various kinds of bipolar disorder, that is defined by the length, frequency, and pattern of episodes of mania and depression.

    Here is a brief about the bipolar mania symptoms depending on its type.

    Bipolar I disorder – The classic form of bipolar disorder was previously called manic depression since the manic phases are evident in this problem. The mood and behavior of the affected individual are extreme, and it sharply escalates till they go out of control. People affected with the first type of bipolar depression also have manic issues, and the symptoms of this condition include:

    • Moods and behaviors which are contrary to a person’s normal behavior.

    • Feeling elated most of the time for nearly one hour at a stretch.

    Bipolar II disorder –It is much more common than the first type of bipolar, and it manifests symptoms which are not much severe. These symptoms are termed as hypomanic symptoms. With this kind of bipolar mania symptoms is difficult for the patients to see it in themselves and the friends and family are required to encourage them for seeking medical treatment. Hypomanic can become severe if left without treatment and the affected individual may become severely depressed or manic.

    Cyclothymic disorder – It includes mood swings along with shifts which are quite similar to the first two types of bipolar mania. An individual affected with the cyclothymic disorder may often fail to function normally without the aid of medicines. With the passage of time, the mood swings of a person may develop into the diagnosis of the first two types of bipolar disorder.

    Rapid Cycling – the Bipolar disorder with rapid cycling is diagnosed when a person experiences four or more manic, hypomanic, or depressive episodes over a period of 12 months.

    Regardless of the type of bipolar mania symptoms you are suffering from, you should make an effort to consult an expert so that the symptoms don’t become something serious with time.Learn as much as you can about bipolar disorder. The more you know, the better you’ll be at assisting your recovery.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Stage III Lung Cancer

    A major problem with diagnosing lung cancer correctly is that its symptoms can often be mistaken for those of another condition. Signs of cough, back pain, and weight loss are common enough that they aren’t given a second thought to and most people dismiss them. Due to this, the disease has increased chances of progressing to more severe stages before being diagnosed. As cancer grows, the symptoms become more obvious and persistent. If a person has the following symptoms for a prolonged period of time, and no treatment has provided relief, it is essential to consult a doctor immediately.

    • Persistent or bloody cough
    • Wheezing
    • Pain and difficulty while breathing and swallowing
    • Chest pain
    • Back pain
    • Loss of hair, appetite and unexplained weight loss
    • Noisy breathing
    • Exhaustion
    • Nausea
    • Traces of blood in saliva and mucus
    • Fever and headache

    There are a number of ways in which lung cancer can be diagnosed, depending from case to case. The tests mentioned below are carried out if the patient or their physician suspects the possibility of lung cancer.

    • Imaging tests: Pictures obtained through a CT scan, PET scan and a bone scan can help doctors assess if there are cancer cells, its exact location, and the size of the tumor.
    • Procedures: Inconclusive test results mean that doctors will then most likely recommend mildly invasive procedures to remove suspicious tissue and have it checked for malignancy under a microscope.

    Based on the results from the imaging test and procedures, the doctors diagnose and also determine the stage of cancer. A team of doctors works out the treatment plan based on the size of the tumor, the age of the patient and their overall case history and health.

    Treatment options for Stage III lung cancer
    There is no one particular or standard treatment protocol that can work for all cases of stage III lung cancer. Before opting for any procedure, it is important for the patient to attain all the treatment information for stage 3 lung cancer. The treatment method is planned by a team of doctors including a pulmonologist, oncologist, thoracic surgeon, specialist nurses and in some cases social workers. One or a combination of the following options are used — chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. With advancements in medical science, new options like clinical trials, targeted therapies and immunotherapy are available today to treat cancer patients.

    • Surgery: Surgical procedures are used to remove Stage III A cancers. They are usually followed by chemotherapy to ensure that cancer cells do not recur. Surgery is usually not recommended in cases of Stage III B as the cancer is more advanced. In such cases, chemotherapy is performed to reduce the size of the tumor, followed by a surgery to remove the reduced tumor.
    • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy can be used as a standalone treatment or combined with surgery and radiation therapy. As Stage III cancers are usually slightly advanced, the call is taken based on the health of the patient and the size of the tumor.
    • Radiation therapy: For patients with Stage III cancer, where surgery is not possible, radiation therapy is often combined with chemotherapy to remove cancer. Radiation therapy works well to remove the cancer tissues that have blocked the airways leading to the lungs.
    • Immunotherapy: This therapy uses medication to improve a person’s immune system and helps them fight cancer, even if it is in the advanced stage. The procedure is carried out through inserting an IV into the patient’s veins. A new medicine developed in 2017 and approved in 2018 named Durvalumab is being used now to treat people with Stage IV lung cancer along after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It has also shown improvement in people with Stage III lung cancer. Necitumumab is an immunotherapy medicine that is being recommended with a combination of chemotherapy for Stage III B squamous NSCLC.
    • Targeted therapy: This is a new treatment developed by scientists to target the gene mutation in cells that cause cancer. The medications target the specific tumor cells and prevent them from multiplying. As targeted therapy focuses on the cause of the tumor, the treatment is found effective to stop cancer from progressing. However, the patient needs to have detailed discussion about this option with their doctors as many targeted therapies are in trial stages and only a few for Stage III lung cancer are approved.

    Outlook and survival rates post treatment
    It has been recorded that the life expectancy of Stage III lung cancer is at 15 months. About 14% of the patients who have had Stage III A lung cancer have survived for more than 5 years and about 5% have survived Stage III B lung cancer. With targeted therapies showing better results, and more patients coming forward to be part of clinical trials, there is a promise that these numbers will improve in the years ahead.

  • 7 Effective Flea Treatments for Your Beloved Canine

    Is your beloved canine quite irritable these days? Is your pet too busy scratching itself even when you take it to the dog park? Well, it’s time for you to tread carefully as those annoying, blood-sucking fleas have probably found a comfortable abode in your poor dog’s lustrous coat. These fleas are pests that irk your dog and keep multiplying at an incredibly fast rate, thereby adding to your pet’s misery. Though these fleas are tiny and not entirely visible to the naked eye, they can wreak havoc in your house as they are quite fond of human blood as well; they will bite your furry friend and you as well. So, you need to resolve this problem immediately as fleas might multiply and become comfortable members of your house.

    Flea bites aren’t as bad as wasp bites, but your dog would cease to be the fun-loving, carefree creature it used to be. Moreover, flea bites can give rise to several flea-borne diseases that can cause further trouble. So, you need to opt for either of the following treatments to get rid of the fleas on your dog.

    FRONTLINE Plus: This is one of the best medications for treating the fleas on your dog’s fur. This topical formula is quite potent and repels pests that bother your beloved pet. Your pet will remain safe from these trouble-causing pests for the next 30 days. This formula is concocted using fipronil and s-methoprene, and the resultant medication can actively eliminate the fleas on your dog’s coat. Irrespective of whether the pest is an adult or just an egg, this flea treatment can kill them during different life stages. Moreover, regular use of this dog-flea treatment prevents flea reinfestation.

    Capstar Flea Control: If topical dog-flea treatment methods irritate your pup’s coat, you’ll need a powerful alternative treatment. Capstar Flea Control is available in the form of tablets that you need to administer according to your pooch’s bodyweight. Moreover, this tablet can get rid of fleas and is instrumental in preventing infestations in the future. Also, this formula is extremely safe for dogs that are pregnant or nursing.

    Advantage® II: This topical agent proactively protects your pet dog from fleas and lice. This spot on medication is fast-acting, and its integrated flea control quality is known to kill adult fleas within 12 hours of the first application. This formula makes use of imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen to kill and repel all pests. This treatment for getting rid of fleas from your dog’s fur is available in different formulas to suit dogs of different weights.

    Flea Away®: Flea Away® is a chewable, oral treatment to get rid of fleas from your dog’s coat. This treatment for dog fleas is quite unique as it relies on a vitamin complex to free your furry friend from these bothersome pests. This treatment causes your pet to produce a distinct odor that is instrumental in warding away insects. Moreover, these chewable tablets are very effective in repelling ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes before they can even land on your pet. Since each of these chewable tablets has a distinct palatable liver flavor, it becomes easier for you to administer the doses.

    Capguard: Capguard functions in the same way as Capstar Flea Control, but it is more pocket-friendly. This treatment option for dog fleas are available in the form of tablets and is quite popular for its 30-minute onset of action. It contains nitenpyram which is instrumental as it starts killing fleas within 4 hours.

    Seresto®: One of the most popular ways of treating fleas on dogs is by opting for a flea collar. There are two types of flea collars — one that emits a gas which repels pests, and the other one has medication on it which seeps into the dog’s skin, or the active ingredients are spread on the dog’s coat by natural skin oils. Seresto® flea collars are as efficient as topical agents and tablets in killing fleas and preventing reinfestation. Like the other forms of treatment, these collars are available in different formulas, and can actively protect your pet for the next eight months.

    Natural Chemistry Natural Flea and Tick Spray/Shampoo: If you aren’t keen on using chemicals or artificial solutions to kill fleas as you have certain reservations about its impact on your dog’s health, then this natural treatment for killing fleas from your dog’s fur will put your doubts to rest. These products use a blend of botanical ingredients that take care of pesky pests that can trouble your dog even in the future. Natural Chemistry offers several forms of protection in the form of sprays and shampoos, and you can choose the one that your pet will find comfortable. You can rest easy as your dog won’t experience any side-effects after using these products as it uses completely natural blends.

  • Get rid of erectile dysfunction with these effective natural remedies

    Erectile dysfunction, commonly abbreviated as ED is mostly associated with impotence. This condition is becoming increasingly common where a man fails to achieve or maintain erection while performing sexual activity. This, in turn, leads to reduced sexual desire and a lack of sex drive. Doctors typically diagnose the individual with ED when the symptoms last for over a week or months together. It is quite surprising that erectile dysfunction affects over 30 million people in the US.

    Standard treatments for the problem include vacuum pumps, prescription medications, implants and in severe cases, surgical interventions. However, many individuals tend to opt for natural remedies. There are numerous researches carried out all across the planet that justify the effectiveness of natural options in improving the symptoms of erectile dysfunctions. Read on to know how to cure ED naturally.

    • L-arginine

    L-arginine is a type of amino acid, which is naturally present in the human body and helps in the production of nitric oxide. This nitric oxide helps in relaxing the blood vessels for facilitating the erection and maintaining it for healthy sexual functioning for a long time.

    According to a study conducted by researchers, it was found that 31 percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction who take 5 grams of L-arginine on a regular basis have gone through significant improvements in sexual function. Another study showed that when L-arginine is combined with Pycnogenol, which is another plant product received from the tree bark. It can restore sexual ability to about 80 percent in about 5 years. 92 percent individuals have succeeded in restoring their sexual ability within three months. And the best part, L-arginine is also proved to be well-tolerated, safe and doesn’t interfere with other treatments.

    • Panax ginseng

    Also referred to as the herbal Viagra, Panax ginseng has substantial research data to justify its effectiveness. Researchers have recently reviewed seven studies of erectile dysfunction and ginseng conducted in 2008. The range of dosage was between 600 and 1000 milligrams thrice in a day, and it was concluded that there is suggestive evidence about the ability of red ginseng in treating the condition.

    The research is still going on about how red ginseng can influence the male sex drive and improve vitality. Ginsenosides are the most important element present in the ginseng extract that can act on a cellular level for improving erection. It is the most suitable solution for individuals who have high levels of lipid in their blood and metabolic syndrome. This herb is known for its anti-inflammatory action and other characteristics, which pave the way for reducing ED.

    • DHEA

    Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA)is a natural hormone produced by the human adrenal gland and then it gets converted into estrogen and testosterone. Dietary supplements of this product can also be made out of soy and yam.

    The renowned Massachusetts male aging study has proved that men suffering from this condition invariably have low levels of DHEA. Back in 2009, 40 individuals suffering from the same problem had participated in another study concerning the relationship between DHEA and ED. Half of them were given 50 mg of DHEA in a day while others were given a placebo. Those who received DHEA achieved and maintained their erection than others who received placebo.

    To understand how to cure ED naturally, DHEA cannot be ignored. In fact, in recent times, DHEA is considered as an important treatment option for men suffering from ED and concurrent diabetes. It is a common ailment for these men along with other hormonal complications and diabetes issues, which interfere with blood flow.

    • Rhodiola Rosea

    When 26 out of 35 men suffering from erectile dysfunction were given Rhodiola Rosea 150 to 200 milligrams in a day for three months, they have experienced significant improvement of their ED. This herb is also known for reducing fatigue and improving vitality. But more studies are required to improve its effectiveness in improving the conditions associated with ED while those who are wondering how to improve ED, can take this herb.

    • Acupuncture

    Though the results of the studies conducted for determining the effects of acupuncture in improving ED are mixed, many have succeeded in showing positive results for treating the condition. A study in 1999 has shown that acupuncture improved the erections and restored good sexual performance in approximately 39 percent of individuals who participated in the study.

    Also, the risks of acupuncture are significantly less when the whole process is carried out by an experienced and certified professional. Even though more studies are required to substantiate its effects, acupuncture can be one of the best ways to improve erectile dysfunction.

    If you have been wondering how to cure ED naturally, you can seek any of these methods or a combination of these to improve your sex life and your relationship with your partner.

  • Here’s What You Need to Know about Ovarian Cancer

    Ovarian cancer is a form of cancer that originates in the ovaries, a part of the female reproductive system. It is the tenth most common type of cancer detected among women. Read on to know more about ovarian cancer symptoms, causes, risk factors, types, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

    Symptoms of ovarian cancer
    In the early stage of ovarian cancer, the symptoms might be non-existent. As the condition progresses, it might project symptoms that may often be misconstrued for benign health conditions. The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer could involve the following

    • Bloating or swelling in the abdomen
    • Back pain
    • Frequent urination
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Nausea and tiredness
    • Pain while having intercourse
    • Discomfort or pain in the pelvic region
    • Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full even after eating little food
    • Constipation

    Causes of ovarian cancer
    Researchers haven’t been able to narrow down the exact cause of ovarian cancer as yet; however, there are multiple factors that could contribute to the development of this condition. Following are some factors that could amplify the risk of ovarian cancer in women:

    • Age – Although ovarian cancer can affect a woman of any age, it is mostly observed among women aged between 50 and 60 years.
    • Family history – Individuals who have two or more close relatives who have had dealt with ovarian cancer have higher chances of developing this condition.
    • Hormone replacement therapy – A prolonged use of estrogen hormone replacement therapy in high doses can lead to ovarian cancer.
    • Early or late menstruation – The commencement of menstruation at an early or later age can both magnify the risk of ovarian cancer.
    • Inherited gene mutations – A tiny percentage of ovarian cancer is caused due to gene mutations received from parents. Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2) are known to boost the risk of ovarian cancer as well. Likewise, the gene mutations related to Lynch syndrome can also cause ovarian cancer.

    Types of ovarian cancer
    The types of ovarian cancer are determined according to where the tumor has originated in the ovaries. Here are the three types of ovarian cancer:

    • Epithelial tumors – This type of cancer starts within the thin tissue that covers the external part of the ovaries. Epithelial tumors form approximately 90% of the ovarian cancers.
    • Stromal tumors – These types of tumors arise in ovarian tissues that comprise the cells that produce hormones. As compared to other types of ovarian cancers, these tumors are usually diagnosed during the initial stages. It is estimated that stromal tumors make up around 7% of the total ovarian cancer cases.
    • Germ-cell tumors – These types of tumors begin in the cells that produce eggs. Germ-cell tumors are pretty rare and usually tend to affect younger women.

    Diagnosis of ovarian cancer
    Depending on the symptoms, doctors can suggest one or multiple diagnostic tests. A pelvic exam is commonly recommended where the doctor examines the vagina for any abnormal growths. Imaging tests such as abdominal and pelvic ultrasound or CT scan are used to gauge the size and structure of the ovaries. Likewise, a blood test for measuring the levels of CA (cancer antigen) 125 can be suggested. However, this blood test can’t definitively claim that one is suffering from cancer. In extreme cases, if there is no conclusive diagnosis drawn, the doctor may suggest surgery to remove the tumor or a part of it for biopsy.

    Treatment of ovarian cancer
    Once the condition is diagnosed, the doctor will suggest a combination of procedures for its treatment. These include the following:

    • Surgery – Depending on how far the cancer has spread, the doctor will recommend surgery to remove either one ovary, both the ovaries, or both ovaries and uterus.
    • Chemotherapy – This is a powerful type of drug that is used for killing cancer cells. It can be used before or after the surgery, based on the diagnosis. Drugs used for chemotherapy can be taken orally, injected in the veins, or can be directly injected into the affected part.
    • Targeted therapy – In this kind of therapy, drugs are used to target certain vulnerabilities of the cancer cells. It is ordinarily used in cases, where the cancer is resistant to other types of drugs or relapses after treatment.
    • Palliative care – This is a specialized form of health treatment that focuses on alleviating the painful symptoms of cancer. The palliative care specialists not only work with the patient but also with family members and doctors to make it easier to cope with aggressive procedures such as chemotherapy and surgery.

    As of now, there is no foolproof way of entirely preventing ovarian cancer. There are a few measures one can take to lower its risks such as using birth control pills, considering pregnancy, breastfeeding, and surgical procedures such as tubal litigation or hysterectomy. However, it is essential that one scrutinizes the consequences of adopting any such methods. Therefore, it always makes sense to be prudent by seeking the counsel of a qualified gynecologist.

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  • Points to consider before you try online dating

    Online dating has transformed the way two people meet. Gone are the days of requesting your best friend to introduce you to someone in your extended circle. Today, technology has improved and enhanced different modes of communication thus opening up new avenues for dating. The increasing use of smartphones has also enabled users to download mobile app versions of dating websites, create a profile on the go, update preferences, and find a match.

    New romances are always exciting and the possibility of meeting the right person is a definite cause for happiness. But beware of not reading the fine print carefully before signing up on an online dating platform; this world too has its own rules and regulations as well as precautionary measures you must take note of. Here are a few points you must consider before you join a dating website and end up paying for premium services.

    Beware of decoy profiles
    It may burst your bubble but understand that many online dating websites have fake or decoy profiles to simply entice unsuspecting users to continue browsing for their potential partner. It is not uncommon to come across a profile that might seem perfect on the surface but is actually a scam account. Decoy profiles are handled by paid writers who simply do the bare minimum to keep someone interested long enough for the user to finally pay for premium services. Read the profile bio carefully, take a good look at the pictures uploaded, and most importantly chat with the user thoroughly to establish the authenticity of the profile.

    It is not an instant process
    You have to realize that there are a lot of factors that are not under your control on a dating website. Finding a match online is a complex process and often times users unable to find a match or have a steady relationship fall into depression after spending a considerable amount of time on the site. You must never let your online dating endeavors influence your self-esteem. Your online profile does not determine your self-worth in any way.

    Online dating is not your only solution
    Always know that online dating is only a tool, a means to meet someone. But that doesn’t mean you end up spending a significant part of your day staring at the screen waiting for a response. If you manage to get a response, it is well and good. However, don’t let the online profile take over your life as it is easy to get carried away waiting for someone to respond from the other side of the digital veil. You will have a better chance of meeting someone when you expand your social circle in real life too by joining a course, going to a reunion and the like.


  • AAA Discount for Car Rentals – Coupons That You May Use

    AAA stands for American Automobile Association and is a privately held member’s association with almost 58 million members in the USA and Canada. This association provides various services to its members such as discounts on car rentals, roadside assistance, hotel discounts, to name a few. If you are a member of this club, you will get discounts across the US and sometimes outside the country as well. Following are some of the discounts for car rentals that you may avail of:

    • 20% off – AAASAVE
      AAA is offering a 20% discount for all memberships. So, no matter at what level you are in the membership, if you are renting a car, use this code to get a discount.
    • 15% off – WQ318
      If you are planning to become a member of AAA, you may now do that with a 15% off on the membership fee. Use the above-mentioned code and you will get an off on the membership fee in your area.
    • 50% off – PERMITS
      If you are registering your teenager with AAA, you will get a 50% off on their fee if they have a learner’s permit.
    • 50% off – FF18
      If you live in Gloucester, Salem, Camden, and Cumberland, you may get 50% off on basic primary membership and you may also add one associate member for free. The AAA discounts for car rental is applicable in the South Jersey area only.
    • USD 20 off – AAA20
      AAA is offering USD 20 off on purchase of new membership in Carolinas. This coupon is applicable to you if you want to become a member of AAA and enjoy their car rental discounts the next time you rent a car.
    • USD 10 off – 3426
      If you are planning to give someone an AAA membership as a gift, you may now do so with a discount of USD 10. You may also use this to save USD 10 for roadside assistance.
    • USD 59 subscription and associate membership free – SMZ1
      If you are already a member of AAA, you may now get a subscription for just USD 59 along with a free associate membership.
    • USD 17 off – AO115PA
      If you live in Nevada, Utah, or California, use this code to get a USD 17 off as your AAA discount for car rentals.
    • USD 15 off – 9137
      If you add a new associated member to your AAA account, you may now get a discount of USD 15, every time you do so.

    Keep these coupons handy to get best offers on AAA car rentals. Also, it is recommended to check the terms and conditions before applying for the coupons.

  • Here’s how you can lower your A1C levels

    The A1C tests reveal the level of blood sugar in the body for the past 2-3 months. The test measures the glucose attached to hemoglobin cells. These cells have a lifespan of three months. So, the A1C test can not only diagnose diabetes but also reveal important information about a person’s management of the condition. This can help doctors modify treatment plans based on the test results.

    Lower A1C levels indicate that your diabetes is under control. A score of 6.5% or above can indicate type 2 diabetes. If your score is higher than 6.5%, you might need to make some serious changes in your diet, lifestyle, and treatment plan to control your blood sugar effectively.

    Tips to lower your A1C levels

    • Lead an active lifestyle. Include 30-40 minutes of exercise at least five times a week. Apart from your scheduled workout, include games and other activities in your life, such as playing a sport.

    Your doctor can guide you about your requirement for physical activities based on your health needs. You may need to exercise more often to achieve lower A1C levels.

    • Diet plays a significant role in diabetes management. If you are lax with your ideal diabetes diet, you may need to make modifications to your current food plans for lower A1C levels.

    You may need to eat more fiber and avoid fried and processed foods. When blood sugar levels are under control, a person with diabetes can eat all foods in moderation. However, to manage the disease, a lifelong commitment to healthy eating is warranted.

    Say yes to:

    • Whole grains – brown rice, wheat bran, barley, millets
    • Green leafy vegetables, carrots, cucumbers
    • Citrus fruits, berries
    • Fish – salmon, tuna
    • Legumes

    Say no to:

    • Fried foods
    • High-fat dairy
    • Sugar-rich drinks
    • Red meat

    Eat in moderation:

    • Low-fat dairy
    • Nuts
    • Maintaining a schedule for eating is very important in diabetes management. Avoid overeating and skipping meals.

    The A1C levels are specific to each person. Diabetes requires lifelong management and lower A1C levels can indicate good health. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for diet, exercise, and medicines.