• Possible causes for a high risk pregnancy

    Ideally during your pregnancy, you should be healthy and happy as this has a direct bearing on the health and development of the child. But there are some cases where this not possible due to many medical conditions. There are many such complications that can lead to a high risk pregnancy. Let us take a look at some of these reasons.

    Ectopic Pregnancy
    This is a common complication that some women go through. An ectopic pregnancy happens when the ovary releases the egg which get fertilized by the sperm, but ends up in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterine lining and the womb. This can cause a series of complications and symptoms that should not be ignored. To begin with, one will experience a lot of acute and sharp pain in the abdominal region. Also, one will experience light vaginal spotting. This should be reported to the doctor immediately so that this kind of pregnancy may be treated and terminated immediately.

    Other Lifestyle Diseases
    There are a number of high risk diseases that may lead to neural defects for the baby during the development of fetus. This includes diabetes mellitus which may not have been controlled in a proper way as well as other diseases like kidney disease, chronic heart disease and much more. During this time, the doctor will have to prescribe the right medication along with the correct measures in terms of diet and exercise so that the patient and the baby are both taken care of, with minimal risk to either of them. These kind of diseases also have the risk of affecting the unborn child. Hence, it is important to take stock of the situation and the possible defects with the help of proper scans and shock ups so that any anomalies and mutations can be detected on time.

    Maternal Age
    A lady who is older than the average age of conception and conceives, is also at risk of coming down with various complications during the pregnancy. High blood pressure and other hormonal changes can also lead to complications and the possibility of preeclampsia. These problems can also occur when a woman is nearing menopause when she conceives and has the child.

    Gestational Diabetes
    The diabetes that develops when the mother is expecting is known as gestational diabetes. This kind of diabetes affects the unborn child, who may be born with diabetes thereafter. Yet, if one followers a healthy and well laid out treatment plan, there are good chances of giving birth to a healthy baby who can also live a more or less normal life after being born as well.

    Placenta Previa: This is a condition where the placenta coats or covers the cervix of the expecting mother. This can lead to a number of complications including a premature delivery of the baby as well as false labor pains also known as Braxton Hicks. Further, due to the risk of bleeding during such a complication, the doctor can also ask the patient to go through a C Section.

  • What to feed your baby and when

    The new born baby and the growing toddler may be very different when it comes to their personalities and range of development. But there is another area where they are markedly different from each too – nutrition. The nutritional and dietary needs to the baby and toddler are quite different, and it is imperative to know what one should feed and at which stage.

    Here is a guide for all those parents who want to give their children a perfectly wholesome meal and diet at various stages of their life.

    This is the time when the infant basically requires the mother’s milk as well as her undivided attention during the precious breast feeding time when he or she gets to make contact with the mother again. This is the time when the baby is making adjustments with the world around him or her, and it is imperative to make it a happy and soothing time. If you are not able to produce enough milk for a good feed, or if you are a working mother who cannot pump too often, then you can use Similar Printable Coupons to get formula milk for your baby. This is usually fortified with the best ingredients in terms of vitamins and minerals and is the closest replica of a mother’s milk.

    Introducing Solids
    From the time the infant is at least 6 months old and done with all the basic vaccinations, the parents should try and start introducing solid food to the child. You can boil and puree mashed vegetables or even procure some ready to eat options from the baby marts. Even pureed fruit can be given to the child along with the paste version of cereal. You must check for chunks in case you are creating the meal at home, so that there is no risk of choking. Also, you will need to ensure that you offer the same food at least for a few weeks even if the child is rejecting it. This will help the baby in developing a taste for various types of food.

    Finger Foods
    Once the child sits up and starts to sprout teeth, it is important to start introducing finger foods like vegetable sticks that have been boiled so that they are soft. At this stage, the baby’s gums will also be itching, so one must ensure that the food is soft and succulent.

    Grown Up Meals
    Toddlers who are able to sit upright in a high chair and handle sandwiches as well as cutlery should be allowed to explore adult meals with minimum seasoning so that they begin to eat normal food as soon as possible. Watch out for various kinds of allergic reactions and loose motions so that you can talk to the doctor about the same.
    – Hygiene: Starting from the bottles to the bowls and sipping cups of toddler, one must steam and clean the various utensils that the child will be using. This will also help in avoiding infections that they are prone to, in any case.

  • Depression during pregnancy and how to deal with it

    A woman’s pregnancy is the time when she has to be at her emotional and physical best. Yet, there are certain conditions that can cause complications and issues. Depression and anxiety is one such problem which can lead to a number of issues. The problem is that many women are not even aware of this fact and may attribute the changes to simple mood swings and hormonal changes. If depression goes undetected during pregnancy or becomes aggravated because a person stops taking the medication due to the pregnancy, it can actually lead to a host of problems.

    Let us find out more about pregnancy and the silent disease called depression.

    High Probability
    You will be surprised to learn that many medical studies have concluded that every one in four pregnant women will go through depression during pregnancy. This can be attributed to major hormonal changes. Complications like ectopic pregnancy and other such reasons for miscarriage earlier can also make a high risk pregnancy which can lead to anxiety and depression.

    Hormonal Changes
    So let us find out how these hormonal changes work. The hormones in our mind and body send out chemical messages to the brain so that it has the right emotion at the right time which may propel the person to carry out certain actions. But during a hormonal imbalance, the person’s neurotransmitters or chemical messages may get confused which may cause a range of extreme emotions starting from happiness to sadness and even depression. This also happens due to the fact that pregnancy in general, especially for the first time mother, can be a pretty confusing time. This can also cause depression along with the hormonal changes when the right hormones are not released at the right time for the neurotransmitters to their work in the right manner.

    Depression during pregnancy is also medically termed as antepartum and it can lead to many challenges and even complications if not treated appropriately and on time. The signs of this kind of a condition includes persistent sadness along with recurring thoughts of guilt and helplessness. The expecting mother may also have trouble falling off to sleep, which can lead to further hormonal imbalances. Further, anxiety can kick of stressful situations and even relationship problems which can also manifest in the form of postpartum depression where the new mother will not be able to function and take care of her child in a normal way.

    The best way to treat this kind of depression is through early detection. One should not ignore the earliest signs of antepartum, especially if there is persistent sadness and talk of guilt. This should immediately be reported to the doctor who will refer the patient to a psychiatrist or psychologist for treatment. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the primary forms of therapy that is carried out in such cases. The doctor will also have to prescribe the right medicines in case the level of depression is too high and almost suicidal. In such cases, one will have to have plenty of support in terms of home and relationships.

  • Pre natal must-dos for expecting mothers

    The pre natal phase or the pregnancy of a lady is one of the most joyful yet the most crucial times of her life in terms of the level of care that has to be accorded to her in mental and physical terms. This has to be done because the health and development of the fetus depends to a great degree on the health of the expecting mother. Here are the ways in which one should take care of oneself during pregnancy.

    Know Your Dates
    To begin with, one will have to ensure that the checks ups and pregnancy tests are done on time so that there is timely confirmation of the same. In case you start noticing the symptoms in the first few weeks of pregnancy, it would be a good idea to get an online pregnancy test done. Thereafter, you must also visit the doctor and get a formal check up done as a confirmation of the pregnancy. You should also be well aware of your due date with a due date calculator. This will also show you when your trimester date check ups are and when the various trimesters will start. This will help you in keeping a check on the pregnancy so that things are under control and any small anomaly can instantly be reported to the doctor.

    Nutrition is one of the main things that one has to look after during pregnancy. It is important to start having folic acid as soon as you start planning the pregnancy as this will ensure that the fetus is in good health. During pre natal care, you will need to take care of your folic acid intake and also get supplements from your doctor so that you can have the same regularly. Apart from this, you will also have to take regular iron and calcium supplements.

    Regular Check Ups
    It is imperative to invest in yourself during the pre natal time. Your check ups will have to be scheduled and taken up on a timely basis so that every scan can be conducted and every test can be concluded to ensure that you and the fetus are not suffering from any kind of issues and possible anomalies. You will need to find yourself a doctor whom you can trust so that you are comfortable with him or her.

    Pre Natal Classes
    There are a number of pre natal classes that one can undergo so that you are well prepared for the delivery of the baby. Pre natal yoga and breathing classes are an absolute must as the techniques taught here will ensure that you are well prepared for a normal delivery with stamina and breathing techniques by your side. You must try and attend these classes with your partner or the person who will be with you in the delivery room. Also, you may want to attend classes on taking care of yourself and grooming yourself during the pre natal period so that you do not fall prey to any kind of infections.

  • How to communicate with your child

    A baby is a wonderful addition to any family and it brings on much laughter and so many challenges for the new parents. Starting from taking care of an infant to rearing a feisty little toddler who is forever testing the waters (and your patience), there are a number of things that go into becoming a parent to a wonderful child who blossoms well.

    Communication is one of the key traits that all parents need to have. There are many new parents who are mistaken when they think that communication starts only at the toddler phase. In reality, the way you begin to communicate with your infant is what will set the tone for the bond between you and the child when the child starts to grow up. So follow these steps for setting the right tone and forging a good communication pattern with your infant and toddler.

    The Needs of an Infant: The infant has many needs which cannot be well articulated. You will have to learn to listen and decipher the cries of this little one because that is all he or she has when it comes to asking for attention. Mostly, an infant cries when it needs feeding, diaper changing, or is colicky which is also gas that most infants go through at a particular time of the day. This can make them cranky.

    Communicate to soothe: At this phase, it is important for the parent and the baby to feel comfortable with each other. If you panic and get hassled, the infant will only get more cranky as this is the cue that he or she will get from your mood. Instead, you must seek to soothe. When the baby cries, you may want to lift him or her in your arms and talk in a soft soothing voice with encouraging words, or even sing to the baby. You must also develop a night time routine at this phase so that the child knows that it is time to sleep. A massage, a bath or some singing will generally help lull the child into peaceful slumber.

    The Toddler: As your toddler begins to come of age, you will that he or she will try and assert his or her personality in a certain way. This can turn out to be a pretty trying time for most parents, who will find themselves at the receiving end of many tantrums and also, they will find that they are constantly saying no.

    Setting Boundaries with Love: Here, communication is all about body language too. You will need to stoop and meet the young one’s eyes to carefully explain why he or she cannot do a certain thing. Also, develop a bond with play where the child gets to lead you, and read plenty of stories at bed time. Also, start doing activities which the child shows interest in. Take the child on various outings and teach him or her many different kinds of words which can build the vocabulary.

  • Baby products – Sample before you buy

    When a baby is to arrive, amidst all the excitement there is also the cost of logistics that come with raising a baby. The baby’s birth is a time of celebration, yet it is also a time when maximum comfort and safety is required for both mother and child. In such cases, the expenses can be sky high with the setting up a nursery and other major purchases like cribs, bathtubs, clothing and much more. Apart from this you really don’t know which products will suit the baby and it makes sense if you could try out a sample first before buying expensive products that your baby could be allergic to.

    There are many malls and marts that offer free samples of different products. Here’re a few things that you could sample before buying.

    Lotions and Other Toiletries: Toiletries like soaps, lotions, rash creams and so much more can take quite a toll on one’s pocket as these are things that the baby requires regularly. There are companies and malls like Baby Centre and others like Walmart which offer free samples. You can actually sign up and register before the birth of baby to receive a certain number of free samples of these products every month.

    Additional Supplies: Additional supplies like wet wipes and diapers can also be availed through free samples if one saves coupons and registers on time. It would be best to try free samples of a few diaper brands before you settle on the one that your baby is most comfortable in. When you register with such brands, you are bound to receive a free sample with your first online purchase. So, you may want to email and sign up for the same. Also, there are many brands that would offer free wet wipes with bulk purchase of diapers.

    Prenatal and Post natal Vitamins: Once you register with certain online portals for baby supplies and motherhood care, then you will also start to receive prenatal vitamin mix samples as well as post natal vitamin mix samples. These two kinds of mixes are extremely important because the nutrient and vitamin requirement of a mother during pregnancy and the same kind of requirement after pregnancy will be widely different. Usually, these are standard mixes that you should have during and after pregnancy so that your body gets all the correct nutrition for the growing fetus, and the right kind of health push and support when you are lactating and feeding the child. Both pregnancy and infant rearing can take quite a toll on the body, which is why these products are required. Before taking any free samples, you will need to speak with your doctor regarding the safety of the same, so that you know what you can and cannot have.

    Add Ons: There are a number of companies and brands that offer add ons when you buy products like cribs and bassinets as well as baby strollers, bath tubs and much more. Starting from samples of a musical mobile, to mattress pads for the crib and additional hoods for the strollers with trays too, you can avail many free samples of such add ons. Look for recommendations online when you are buying products too so that you know which add ons would be best.

  • Most popular baby shower favors

    The most precious things in life often include pregnancy, child birth and child rearing. When a woman is pregnant, her heart and mind is filled with visions of happiness, love and fulfillment. Pregnancy is a time when a woman spends nine months in anticipation even as she takes complete care of herself in emotional and physical terms, which has a direct bearing on the well-being of the child.

    Naturally, there are a number of rituals and traditions that are celebrated around the world to make the expecting mother feel special. A baby shower is one such tradition that helps friends and family get together, so that they can all bring gifts for the expecting mother. This is also a time when loved ones show their support for the mother and child. Typically, this is a big celebration that also includes party favors, food and much bunting.

    Some popular baby shower favors are –

    Personalized Gifts
    You can easily give your friends personalized gifts that will be embellished with icons and colors depending on the sex of the baby you are expecting. You can also choose gender-neutral elements in case you have decided to be surprised as far as the gender goes. You can get mason jars, glasses, mugs and even photo frames personalized as a thank you token for your guests. This will also make them feel special.

    Photo Frames
    If there is one thing that we cannot get enough of, it is pictures. No matter where we go and what we do, we always like to capture moments in pictures. So a really good gift for your guests could be photo frames. You can choose soothing white frames with colorful buttons and pins, or could also put in a picture of the guest so that he or she feels cherished. In such cases, you will need to label each gift with the name of the guest so that there is no mix up.

    Coasters and Card Holders
    Pretty table accessories are also the perfect gifts to give someone. So choose cute elephants and tiny dinosaurs for peppy and cheery gifts. These can be shaped as a coasters and card holders so that they can accompany place settings as well.

    Nothing shows your gratitude better than aromatic and fragrant candles with pretty holders. Get tea light holders with a set of scented candles so that your guests feel pampered. You can also get embellished holders or do them up with colored glitter, depending on the gender of the baby you are expecting.

    Tutus and Shoes
    You can choose tiny little tutus and shoes which can be framed and given to your guests with a handwritten thank you note. This will make the perfect gift for your guests. You can choose frocks or tiny shorts depending on the gender of the baby. For a gender-neutral statement, you can choose shoes.

  • Figuring out a pregnancy in a first few weeks

    Pregnancy is a wonderful time where every expecting mother goes through a number of changes in her body. Most women generally find out their pregnant status a month or so into the pregnancy once a menstrual cycle has been missed, which may prompt them to take a test and find out whether or not they are pregnant. This is especially true for those mothers who have had an unplanned pregnancy. Yet, there are a number of signs and symptoms that can help you detect pregnancy as early as a few weeks into the same. Read on to know more!

    How you react to certain kinds of food will be one of the greatest indicators of early pregnancy. The start of your pregnancy will bring some amount of nausea and even food aversions. These aversions may happen due to protein or other requirements that the body may be going through, as well as hormonal changes which can trigger a number of such changes in the taste and preference. Women tend to get repulsed merely by the smell of certain items like dairy, meat and even certain types of vegetables. In this phase, it is best to drink lots of water and eat a lot of fruit.

    Bloating and Tender
    Bloating in the abdomen as well as pain and tenderness in the breasts and nipples is one of the first early signs of pregnancy. This usually happens because the uterus is still small, but adjusting to the changes that are about to come over the body. Also, the clothes may feel too snug and even hurt the skin. So it would be best to avoid tight fittings clothing so that you do not chaff and feel discomfort throughout the day. This kind of bloating will usually affect the waistline and make a woman feel like she is about to get her menstrual period.

    Frequent Trips to the Bathroom
    Frequent urination is another major problem that you will also feel because there will be some changes in the uterus and one will feel some amount of pressure in this part of the body. This is because the pregnancy will usually increase the rate at which blood flows into the kidneys, which can create pressure on the same and the urination will become a little more frequent in the bargain. This blood volume will continue to be on a rise throughout one’s pregnancy, which will only make the frequent urination more.

    Mood Swings
    The hormonal changes that one goes through during pregnancy can cause a variety mood swings because these hormones affect the way the neurotransmitters in the brain behave. These neurotransmitters are the chemical messages that are sent to the brain thanks to the play of hormones. So when the hormones are in an imbalance, the person may get conflicting chemical messages that can give rise to extreme emotions like happiness, dullness, sadness and even depression.

    So if you have these signs for a prolonged period, you should take a pregnancy test and visit your doctor at the earliest.

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  • Manage your debt obligations with these balance transfer credit cards

    Paying credit card interest on a huge amount of debt is the last thing you want to deal with at the end of the month. Although credit cards allow you to buy products and pay for services at a future date, the privilege does not come cheap. Often, it happens that you might get carried away and shop for more than what you can afford, ending up in a huge debt trap.

    The debt has to be paid back within a stipulated time with interest. Failure to do so will affect your credit score and rating that will further affect your ability to borrow funds. A balance transfer is the only option at such a stage. You can convert your debt from a high-interest credit card to one that has no or minimum interest allowing you both time and opportunity to pay off debts at a future date.

    Three key benefits of a balance transfer include a lower rate of interest, better credit terms, and efficient debt consolidation in the short term. However, you must also take into account the downside of a balance transfer as the temptation to consolidate debt time and time will spiral you into financial turmoil in future. A balance transfer is not always the cheapest option and you must keep an open mind to consider alternatives like borrowing from friends and family to pay off debt.

    The best balance transfer credit cards to consolidate debt are issued only if you have a high credit score and a favorable rating. Your current credit score reflects your ability to pay off debts on time with all interest and dues.

    If you are still keen on option for the best credit cards that transfer the balance of the debt, here are a few popular choices.

    Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
    One of the best credit cards that transfer the balance of debt for a favorable period of 21 months at 0% APR. You will also enjoy 0% interest on purchases for the first 12 months. A variable APR will be applicable thereafter that ranges from 14.74% and 24.74% depending on your creditworthiness. There is no annual fee for the credit card but you will have to pay 5% balance transfer fee for each transaction with a $5 minimum mandatory.

    Discover it®  Balance Transfer Credit Card
    An attractive 0% intro APR for a period of 18 months makes Discover it®one of the best credit cards that transfer the balance of debt to consolidate your finances. An ongoing variable APR will be applicable in the range of 13.74% and 24.74% on purchase and all debt. Discover It charges a meager 3% fee for every balance transfer and there are no annual fees for the credit card.

    Blue Cash Preferred® Card
    American Express comes to your rescue with the Blue Cash Preferred® Card, another option for a balance transfer. Note that in comparison to some of the best credit cards that transfer the balance of your debt for more than 18 months, Blue Cash gives you only 12 months. Blue Cash Preferred® Card entails a variable APR in the range of 14.74% and 25.74% after the introductory period is over. Moreover, a 3% balance transfer fee is applicable to the transaction with a minimum $5 mandatory. One of the major drawbacks of Blue Cash Preferred® Card is a hefty $95 annual fee.

    BankAmericard® Credit Card
    An affordable alternative as BankAmericard® has low upfront costs in comparison to some of the best credit cards that transfer the balance to consolidate your financials. The introductory 0% balance transfer is applicable only for the first 15 billing cycles thereafter which a variable APR in the range of 14.74% and 24.74% is applicable on the amount. The balance transfer fee on an individual transaction is 3% of the amount with a minimum $10 mandatory, whichever is greater. You don’t have to pay any annual fees for the credit card.

  • Here’s how one can increase the value of their home

    Almost 70% of the homeowners believe that their residential property is their biggest asset. Therefore, maintaining it well in a competitive real estate market is a top priority for many. However, to enhance the value of a property for building equity or getting a better sale price, several owners end up splurging on unnecessary amenities or installations. So how can you decide what works? Continue reading to find out!

    First impressions might not be accurate; however, in real estate, they can definitely be a game-changer. Homeowners should ensure that their space doesn’t deliver an outdated vibe, particularly the areas such as the bathroom and kitchen. Focusing on the aesthetics of the home doesn’t mean one indulges in luxury kitchen remodeling or upgrading media rooms. In other words, one doesn’t need to dish out on an extravagant kitchen remodeling consisting of stone countertops, custom cabinets, or commercial-grade appliances to make the cut. A kitchen remodeling capable of holding modern amenities or having the potential for customization would simply suffice. The same approach is to be taken for the bathroom. Adding decent flooring and upgraded fixtures can go a long way than fancy embellishments like designer fixtures or heated flooring.

    Prospective homebuyers also desire their new homes to be smart as well as secure. Therefore, one should consider installing intelligent technology in their property such as fire and gas detectors, door locks and lighting, security alarms and cameras, and thermostats.

    Homeowners should also pay close attention to the curb appeal, i.e., how the property looks from the exterior. Simply put, a home’s exterior look should motivate a prospective buyer to come inside and take a look. While making changes, the paint of the exterior walls and a well-maintained landscape are two things that should make it to the homeowner’s upgrade checklist.

    Likewise, homeowners should attempt to make their property low-maintenance. Any prospective buyer will shy away from the option of quoting on a property that needs major maintenance work, especially related to plumbing, wiring, roof, HVAC system, or kitchen remodeling. Therefore, before putting up the property for sale, homeowners should get the necessary improvements and repairs done to increase their prospects and home value.

    Lastly, having an energy-efficient property can vastly contribute to the appeal; however, one should only consider getting upgrades such as double-pane windows, efficient appliances, enhanced attic insulation, or LED lightings for a quick boost in the home value. Homeowners installing eco-friendly technologies like solar panels should be aware that it will help in the long-term, but it might not instantly increase the home value. Since they’re dealing with big investments, financially as well as structurally, homeowners should think their decision through before getting a house.

    Tag – homes

  • 5 tips for buying a great gaming laptop

    Gaming is king. Gaming is a profession. There are thousands of video games out there in the market. With the video game industry booming like never before, gaming can be a valuable form of relaxation for all gaming users. These days you find PC fanboys advocating high-end PC rigs to be able to play the latest games with the most gorgeous of graphics at decent FPS (first person shooter) rates.

    But can you play high-end games on a laptop? Well, yes you can. You need to know a couple know-hows and technical things before you go out shopping for that portable gaming rig. Pick one right and it might outperform your ordinary PC. Plus, the prices coupled with portability; nothing beats that.

    Here are 5 tips and things to look out for when choosing to buy a gaming laptop.

    Get sufficient storage: Go for SSD drives in your gaming laptop rig. Good SSDs come in a 256GB size along with hard drives offering up to 1TB space. This is sufficient storage if you’re planning to save videos, multiple games, and do much more with your laptop besides just gaming. It’s good to be able to use your laptop for all round everyday use and getting good storage is the first step.

    Aim for a wide screen size: 15-inch screens are pure gold. They don’t add much to the pounds and they are still easy to carry. You could try buying 17-inch laptops but the weight may make it difficult to tote them around with you all the time. Make sure the screen size offers a resolution of 1080p which is optimal for most games. Some screens offer resolutions up to 4k but those are like high end gaming rigs like Alienware.

    Look for memory: In order to multitask and run various programs in the background such as instant messaging, Skype, email and so on, your laptop needs to have sufficient RAM. If you’re the sort of person who loves recording and texting at the same time as gaming, get at least 8GB RAM. If you opt for 16GB, then you can rest assured it’s got great memory for running various applications. Additionally, you can use video editing software and use the rig for rendering videos too which also consume quite a bit of RAM.

    Get a killer processor: The processor is one of the main components of your gaming rig. AMD and Nvidia GPUs are stellar graphics processors in the market. The GPU units matter more than the CPU processors. Get a quad core AMD processor if possible since they support high end gaming. The better the graphics processor, the better the image and visuals will look on screen. The detail will also improve along with the higher resolutions. Definitely something to take into consideration before you end up buying a gaming laptop. Do your research.