• 4 common therapies used by pain management doctors

    It is estimated that about 50 million Americans live with chronic pain all their lives. Living with chronic pain affects sleep, emotions, moods, work, and relationships. Although many people “learn” to live with the pain, the discomfort is not that easy is handle. Pain management doctors help in relieving and eliminating symptoms of pain.

    The causes of pain can be physical, emotional or both. When you consult a pain management doctor, he will evaluate your case and investigate the various causes of your pain symptoms. Based on the diagnosis, he will recommend a therapy or a combination of therapies that will help to provide relief from pain. Pain management doctors also recommend techniques that you can incorporate into your daily life for better management of pain. Different people will different pain management therapies, but a majority of pain management programs have the following therapies in common:

    Chiropractic care: Part of alternative medicine, chiropractic care therapy is generally used for symptoms of pain related to the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Pain management doctors suggest this technique mostly for lumbar spine pain, cervical spine pain, headaches, joint pain and radiating pain. Chiropractic care is one of the most affordable pain management treatment. It has been known to decrease dependency on medications and improve recovery period.

    Heat or ice therapy: Pain management doctors recommend heat or ice therapy as a part of first line treatment for pain management. This is more of a conservative approach towards pain management, which is part of the initial stage of the treatment. If this approach does not work, your pain management doctor will recommend an interventional method of treatment that might also involve surgery.

    Physical therapy: Physical therapy involves a set of physical activities or exercises that are focused on the areas affected by pain. Pain management doctors recommend this form of therapy to manage chronic pain as well as to rehabilitate patient after a major surgery. Physical therapy is also one of the first-line of treatments used for pain management. A continuous application of this therapy not only helps to provide relief from pain but also prevent recurrence of pain.

    Oral pain medication: This is mostly a temporary therapy option that your pain management doctor may ask you to follow. You doctor might suggest over-the-counter analgesics or prescription pain relievers. Although dependency on oral pain medication is not recommended for long-term management of pain, pain management doctors usually recommend this therapy to provide immediate relief from pain.

  • Home Remedies to Deal with Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a common disease and affects children and adults alike. It is characterized by the passage of soft, loose, and watery stools on a frequent basis with or without cramps, pressure, and bloating. There are several underlying causes for the condition which include the likes of viral and bacterial infections, food intolerance, reactions to medications, parasitic infections, and intestinal orders and diseases. While the main symptom of the disease is a watery stool, other symptoms of the disease include the onset of fever, stomach cramps, dehydration, bowel movement urgency, and bloating. While medications do help, most cases can be treated with home remedies. Here are a few of the best diarrhea remedies for babies and adults.

    Diarrhea remedies for babies and adults

    • Healthy diet 
      A change in your diet could go a long way in helping to cure the disease and rid yourself of its symptoms. You can follow the ‘BRAT’ diet to help ease symptoms. This includes incorporating bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast to your diet.
    • Stay hydrated
      To compensate for the loss of water through watery stools, you should drink lots of water to stay hydrated. If your baby is suffering from diarrhea, it is absolutely essential that he/she stays hydrated. Electrolyte solutions are known to work wonders.
    • Avoid intense workout
      While you can continue to go to work, ensure that you do not undergo strenuous physical exercise. If you are a regular at the gym, avoid going there until you feel well.
    • Avoid certain food items
      Avoid alcoholic beverages and spicy food when you are suffering from this condition. Once you are cured, do not consume these food items for 2-3 days to stay on the safe side. Avoid drinking milk as it can further aggravate the condition.

    These best diarrhea remedies and can be used for both babies and adults. More often than not, the appearance of the symptoms of the disease is enough for a doctor to diagnose the disease. In some cases though, your doctor may ask for some tests like a stool culture, a colonoscopy, blood tests, and imaging tests to determine what exactly has caused the onset of the disease. While you can take medications, homemade remedies for diarrhea can go a long way in alleviating you of your symptoms and helping you get cured of the condition.

  • What are the common and rare symptoms of Graves’ disease

    An autoimmune disorder, Graves’ disease is a form of hyperthyroidism, i.e., it causes the thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of hormones. It is one of the most common health conditions and usually affects women around the age of 40, but it is diagnosed among men too.

    The exact cause behind the onset of this disease is not known, so it is hard to anticipate which people are most likely to contract it. As thyroid hormones influence several parts of the body such as body temperature, cognitive development, and nervous systems, it is vital to get it treated. If this condition is ignored for long, it can cause severe weight loss, intense mood swings, depression, and fatigue.

    12 common symptoms of Graves’ disease
    Some of the most common symptoms of Graves’ disease are

    • Excessive perspiration
    • Significant weight loss
    • Increased or irregular pulse rate
    • Shaking hands
    • Fatigue
    • Anxiety
    • Sensitivity to heat
    • Digestive problems such as diarrhea
    • Erratic mood swings
    • Goiter, i.e., swollen thyroid gland
    • Changes in menstruation
    • Sleep problems

    Rare symptoms of the Graves’ disease
    Apart from the common symptoms mentioned above, Graves’ disease has two primary types of rare symptoms as well. These are known as Graves’s ophthalmopathy and Graves’ dermopathy.

    Graves’ ophthalmopathy Roughly 30% of the patients suffering from Graves’s disease exhibit this condition where the eyes are affected by inflammation. Some of its signs are

    • Exophthalmos, i.e., bulging eyes
    • Experiencing pain or pressure in or around the eyes
    • Sensitivity to light
    • Redness of the eyes
    • Loss of vision
    • Double vision
    • Swollen eyelids

    You can gain relief from this symptoms by applying a cold compress to the eyes or using eye drops to soothe the itching.

    Graves’ dermopathy In this situation, mostly the skin located on the shins or above the feet begins to thicken and redden. This condition can be improved with the help of OTC creams.
    The stated symptoms of Graves’ disease may vary depending on the severity of the condition.

    Diagnosis and treatment
    To confirm the possibility of Graves’ disease, you will have to visit an endocrinologist. They will use diagnostic tools such as blood tests, x-rays, CT scan., radioactive iodine uptake, ultrasound and physical exam to identify the issues. When it comes to treating the disease, your doctor will recommend anti-thyroid drugs, radioiodine therapy and in rare cases surgery to alleviate the symptoms. Apart from medical treatment, your doctor will also encourage you to make essential changes in your diet and lifestyle.

  • Bell’s Palsy – Treatments, Procedures, and More

    Bell’s palsy is a sudden muscle weakness on one side of the face causing the face to paralyze or become weak. The condition also causes one side of the face to droop and become stiff.  The condition is generally temporary and limited to a few months. Here are some of the Bells’ palsy treatment options, procedure, and more. Read on.

    What is the Right Treatment for Bell’s Palsy?
    Bell’s palsy is chiefly caused due to the weakness of muscles. Some of the symptoms and signs such as difficulty in making different facial expressions, facial droop, changes in the amount of saliva and tears, pain behind the ears and jaw, and a decreasing ability to taste. It is important to consult a physician immediately if the signs become evident. This condition generally resolves on its own within a span of six months. Nevertheless, Bell’s palsy treatment will help in quicker recovery. Moreover, only in a few rare causes does the condition affect the nerves on both the sides of the face.

    The Treatment Procedure
    Doctors diagnosing the condition generally observe the movement of the face muscles such as frowning, closing the eyes and lifting the eyebrows. Patients might be asked to undergo tests such as undergoing scans and electromyography. These are the tests that confirm the severity of the condition and nerve damage. Bell’s palsy treatment generally involves medication such as anti-viral medicines and corticosteroids.

    Corticosteroids are basically anti-inflammatory medicines that help reduce nerve inflammation. These should be taken immediately after the symptoms of Bell’s palsy are diagnosed. Another effective treatment is physiotherapy. This is needed because the paralyzed muscles might shorten and shrink, resulting in permanent contractures of the muscle. There are different exercises of the facial muscles, which help avoid Bell’s palsy. Occasionally, plastic surgery might also be recommended to correct facial nerve problems.

    Recovery Time
    The signs of Bell’s palsy generally improve within two weeks and might take three to six months to go away completely. However, recovery might take longer in people suffering from severe Bell’s palsy. Some people might experience facial sagging for a very long time mainly because of the weak facial muscles.

    The condition might be severe is some cases but there are cases wherein the symptoms of the condition have gone away without any treatments.

  • All you need to know about chronic pain

    The pain which you might feel is the step to indicate that all is not well with your body. In other words, the pain can alert you to look things differently. While in most of the cases this can be termed as an acute pain, there are also cases where the pain stretches beyond the time and can hamper your day to day life productivity. These are known as the chronic pain syndrome. It can affect any part of the body and in many cases cause various sensations of pain.

    Chronic Pain
    The trouble with chronic pain is that there is no fool proof way to identify the cause and doctors have to rely on the patient’s testimony in many of the instances. As a result, a wrong calculation might make both the patient and the doctor frustrated as the focus would be on a completely different pattern while the pain does not abate. Also, in many cases a chronic pain can never be fully cured. Only the conditions can be kept in check. Chronic pain is defined as that pain which continues to unabated even after 12 weeks.  

    Some of the common types of chronic pain can include:

    • Headache
    • post-surgical pain
    • post-trauma pain
    • lower back pain
    • arthritis pain
    • pain caused by nerve damage

    Chronic pain usually occurs when there is damage to the nerve. As the days progress the nerves continues to build under pressure and continue to send across the pain signals to your brain.

    Chronic pain can affect mobility. Hence the treatment plan focuses on reducing the pain along with increasing the mobility of the person. Each treatment plan can be specific to the person’s individual need. They will be a combination of medications and lifestyle remedies. Though over the counter medications are advisable, it would be safe to get the consultation of your doctor before trying them. There can also be the usage of physiotherapy treatments as a part of the procedure. Some of the lifestyle remedies can include physical therapy, massage, meditation, and yoga.

    Prevention is, however, the best possible treatment and remember that your body is made of living tissues that are fragile. Hence always handle your actions with care and do not abuse your body. Eat well and get plenty of rest and exercise regularly for your overall good. Stay away from bad practices and always seek support in case you are facing a downtime or feeling uncomfortable.

  • High Triglyceride level – Causes and control

    Triglycerides are a certain type of fat that is present in our blood. Small amounts of triglycerides are needed to carry out regular body functions but an excess will cause in heart diseases.

    A higher level of triglycerides can also exist as a result of a metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which a person has a combination of high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high Triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol. This condition increases the risk of stroke, diabetes and heart diseases.

    Test and measurement

    • The amount of triglyceride can be measured using the same blood test used to measure cholesterol.
    • Normal range is considered to fall below 150 (mg/dL)
    • 150-199 (mg/dL) is the borderline high
    • 200-499 (mg/dL) is supposed to be high
    • Anything above 500 is considered very high

    Triglycerides can be caused by other underlying conditions. Certain medicines can also increase the count of triglycerides in the blood. In rare cases, triglyceride abnormality can also be hereditary.

    Here are some of the main causes:

    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
    • Eating more calories than required regularly
    • Drinking high quantity of alcohol
    • Use of birth control pills, steroids, estrogen
    • Controlling Triglycerides
    • Instead of relying on medications, it is better to control triglycerides with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Being more active and controlling body weight also
    • helps in bringing down triglyceride levels.

    Diet is always an important part in maintaining our health. With proper diet and exercise, it is possible to bring down the triglyceride count.
    These are few foods and components that you should control in your diet for high triglycerides.

    Cut down on sugar. High intake of sugar can result in the increase of triglyceride count. An optimum range of 150 grams for men and 100 grams for women is the intake that should be maintained on a daily basis.

    Replace carbohydrates and sugar with fiber. Focus on fiber-rich food like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

    Control your fructose intake. Fructose is one of the main reasons for the higher count of triglycerides in the blood. High-fructose corn syrup should be avoided as far as possible. Raisins and other dry fruits have a higher level of fructose and should be avoided. Fruits like peaches, banana, strawberry have a comparatively lower level of fructose.

    Cutting down of saturated fat from red meat is found helpful in bringing down triglyceride levels. It’s best to lower the amount of poultry fat, milk, cheese, coconut and palm oil in your diet. Canola and olive oils can be used instead.

    Limit the intake of alcohol. Occasional drinks are fine, but it can be really harmful if consumed on a daily basis. Increasing the consumption of foods with omega-3 fatty acids can help bring down the high triglyceride levels. Fishes like sardines and tuna have a higher amount of fatty acids. Eating fatty fish at least twice a week can be really helpful.

  • 4 Best Treatment Options for Cancer

    Cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease which often leads to a long-term treatment that may or may not succeed. It is a disease which occurs from the unwarranted growth of cells which later go on to form malignant tumors in several parts of the body. If not treated, it spreads very quickly to all parts of the body, thereby blocking functional body systems. There are four stages of cancer, and as far as cancer symptoms and their recognition go, it normally does not come to the fore before the second stage. After the detection of cancer, which is usually always preceded by a biopsy report, treatment should start immediately because it does not take long to spread. There are many cancer treatment options of which a few include:

    • Surgery
      This is one technique when it is used to treat cancer, often turns out to be very effective, especially in the country. It’s very well-known and one of the largely practiced cancer treatment options. Surgery is a procedure wherein the surgeon operates and removes the cancerous tumor from the body. You can browse the Internet to find out different ways the surgery is used against cancer and what you can expect before, during, and after surgery.
    • Radiation therapy
      Radiation therapy is one of the most specific and targeted types of cancer treatment options. It uses high doses of tested radiation to kill the malignant cells and shrinks the size of tumors. The patients should also learn about the types of radiation and the reasons why they have side effects apart from other cancer symptoms.
    • Chemotherapy
      This is the most popular and well-known type of cancer treatment that uses drugs and other types of medicines to kill the carcinogenic cells. Chemotherapy is highly effective because it works against cancer by attacking the cells directly. However, it must be executed with utmost precision and perfection otherwise it may prove harmful.
    • Targeted therapy
      This therapy is another very special type of cancer treatment which targets the various changes in cancer cells that facilitate their growth, division, and spreading. This is also more or less effective in the country.

    Even after all these treatment options, the patient has to be very careful and maintain all the restraints suggested by the doctors. It is a very difficult disease to cure permanently, and it often recurs in a patient who has been diagnosed once. The patient should be very cautious and patient while dealing with cancer, not giving up.

  • Common causes, symptoms and treatment of stomach cancer

    There are many different kinds of cancers that can affect the body, and it is one of the top fatal diseases to be found globally, as per many reports by the WHO. Among the various kinds of cancer, there is one known as stomach cancer which occurs when the abnormal cells in the stomach grow to an extent that they manifest into a tumor. There are many causes, symptoms and treatment options. Below are a few of those

    • Causes: While doctors and medical practitioners are not entirely sure about the exact causes that may trigger this disease, they do know that there are several risk factors that can give rise to the same. The bacteria known as H Phylori can greatly increase your chances of coming down with stomach cancer, excessive smoking and a diet that is rich in processed food, excessive salt and oil may also give rise to the same. Also, this disease may be genetically inherited if you have the faulty carrier gene or if you have a family history of this disease. Further, people who constantly work in coal mines and timbre fields are known to be a high-risk group when it comes to stomach cancer due to the fumes that enter the system. Asbestos and the exposure to the same in a factory or classroom can also trigger this disease.

    • Symptoms: There are a number of symptoms that can be attributed to this disease. Indigestion and acidity as well as bloating are some of the earliest signs and symptoms of stomach cancer. Yet, one must not rush to the doctor as soon as there is some indigestion and acidity. Only when these signs persist for a matter of weeks and come with other such signs, one should visit the doctor. Other symptoms of this condition include nausea and lack of appetite. The progression of this disease is such that it will strip your body of its normal metabolism and render food unpalatable as you try to eat and digest the same. The bloating will also progress along with the appearance of blood in one’s stool and yellow appearance of the eyes and the skin. Also, heartburn and unexplained weight loss are some of the other symptoms of stomach cancer. Vomiting and constant fatigue will also set in, eventually as the disease progresses.

    • Diagnosis: For the diagnosis, the oncologist will conduct imaging tests like an ultrasound and MRI scan. Also, the doctor will also conduct blood tests along with an endoscopy so as to find out the existence and spread of the disease. Further, a biopsy will also be conducted using sample extracted from this region of the body.

    • Treatment: There are many measures that can be taken for timely treatment of this disease along with symptomatic relief. The treatment methods will also try to contain the spread of this condition. You may have to go through surgery and chemotherapy depending on the results of the biopsy.

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  • A Brief Insight into the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

    Rated as one of the best phones money can buy, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge has captured the hearts of many people. We all know that the S7 variant is available, but what makes the S7 Edge so special? It is the beautiful design and the fantastic specs. Read on to know more.


    A quick glance at the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge will help you notice its alluring curves. The well-crafted curves significantly improve the device’s usablity. The curves of Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge are made through a process called 3D thermoforming. It melts the 3D glass to form a curve that meets the metal alloy, which is also curved. This results in a unibody that is flawless.

    But wait, there’s more! It is not only water resistant but also dust resistant. The concept of damaging your phone because of water and dust is now a thing of the past. With a rating of 68 Ingress Protection (IP), the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge can be used inside water for 30 minutes and up to a distance of 1.5 meters. You also do not have to worry about exposing your phone to a lot of dirt when you are on a road adventure.


    Samsung has done a fantastic job with this phone when it comes to design. The design is not the only factor that makes the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge a behemoth among modern phones. Let us look at its hardware beyond the attractive surface.


    We don’t always take a picture in bright sunlight. This makes the low light pictures that we take in our daily life somewhat unattractive. However, the S7 Edge resolves this issue. With an F1.7 lens and an image sensor at 1.4µm pixels, your photographs come out with a lot of detail, making them beautiful.

    It also comes with 12 MP dual pixel camera that captures the moments of your life with accuracy. The front end camera comes with 5 MP with the same lens. The S7 Edge also boasts of autofocus, which is so fast that it can capture what you need in low light and where you are at high speed.

    The camera of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is graded as professional so these are not all its features. The new vDIS (Video Digital Image Stabilization) technology makes those shaky videos that you capture end up in good quality.


    The primary display comes with a size of 5.5” and a resolution of 2560 X 1440 Quad HD, which is super AMOLED. The S7 Edge can be customized to display the much-required apps at any time.

    From a flashlight to your planner, you can use the S7 Edge even when the display is off. The shortcuts of the S7 Edge make this phone a grand spectacle.


    If you are the person who loves gaming, then the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is your ideal choice. With an Octa-Core processor and 2.3 GHz clock speed, gaming on this phone is awesome. Needless to say, this fantastic CPU is backed with a RAM of 4GB.

    You have a game launcher designed for gaming that can be customized to make your gaming experience incredible. The gaming tools can also be accessed during the game to capture your gaming moments.


    Along with the awe-inspiring CPU and display, let us look at some other hardware components of this exquisite phone. To begin with, we have the battery. With 3600mAh, you can only imagine the amount of work you can do without paying attention to the battery draining.

    It also comes with a fast and wireless charging. Let us not forget that the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge comes with a dual sim option, making it easy for the user to switch between their providers.

    It also comes with a fingerprint sensor to make the overall user experience much easier. With so many features and specs, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is definitely a phone for the keepers.

  • Ways to treat low blood pressure

    The blood pressure as indicated by the name is the pressure with which the blood flows in the body of the human beings. If the pressure is high, the treatment focus would be to lower high blood pressure, and for low pressure, the treatment is to bring it back to normal. In a healthy adult, the normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. Here the top number denotes the systolic blood pressure and the bottom number denotes the diastolic blood pressure. Systolic is the highest pressure when the heart beats and pushes blood around the body, and the diastolic is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes between the beats. If the top number goes below 90, then the condition is known as low blood pressure. Now the important points to learn are the ways to treat low blood pressure.

    How to treat the low blood pressure
    Low blood pressure is one of the common cardiovascular problems. In case the patient has a high blood pressure the target is to lower high blood pressure. The ways to treat low blood pressure are as follows:

    • In the case of low blood pressure, the diet should contain a higher amount of salt but when the case is opposite that is when you need to lower high blood pressure salt intake should be less.
    • It is recommended to consume a lot of fluids but non-alcoholic in nature. Alcoholic drinks should be restricted.
    • Regular exercise is a very effective way for proper blood flow, which is good for bringing low blood pressure to normal and to lower high blood pressure as well.
    • It is recommended to elevate your head on the bed while sleeping at night.
    • Heavy lifting should be avoided.
    • Standing still in a place for a prolonged period should be avoided.
    • You should avoid straining while on the seat of the toilet for a bowel movement.
    • Exposure to hot water such as spas or hot showers for a long duration of time should be avoided.

    Thus, it can be very well understood that with certain changes in the lifestyle and some dietary modifications, the condition of low blood pressure can be effectively treated.

  • What factors determine flood insurance quotes

    A common form of calamity in the country, floods can severely disrupt the lives of daily people. Usually, most folks assume that only coastal areas or locations near a water body are vulnerable to flooding. But in reality, it can affect any type of property which is situated in a region that receives monsoons. This is why flood insurance becomes a subject of debate where homeowners who reside in the most susceptible areas will get protection. On the other hand, people who are tackling with low-risk factors often exclude it and pick the standard home insurance plans. Irrespective of the circumstances, getting a flood insurance plan is a smart move!

    One of the chief components of this kind of insurance is its quotes. Flood insurance quotes project the premium estimates you will have to incur for receiving coverage. However, apart from your credit history, these quotes depend on a number of factors. To help you make an informed choice for shortlisting the best flood insurance quotes, here are some important aspects you must be mindful of!

    • Susceptibility level If you live in a hurricane-prone area, it can be easy to anticipate the onset of a flood. But in some areas, there can be unpredictable rainfalls or dam failures. So, scrutinize the possibilities as these can highly influence the rate of the premiums. For instance, if you live in a coastal town prone to deluges without any adequate safety system, then your flood insurance quotes will be costlier.
    • Size and type of your property The size of your property will help the flood insurer to recognize the probable magnitude of damage. Naturally, if you have a bigger house, your premiums will be higher. Similarly, the type of property involves the examination of its structure and age. For instance, if the insurer feels that your home is susceptible to destruction due to floods, then your monthly payments will be higher.
    • Deductibles Flood insurance quotes are also majorly influenced by the deductible-premium relationship. This means that if you pay a high deductible, then you will have lower premiums to incur. But this is a more personal decision as you will have to determine your household budget and other expenses to make a financially sound choice.
    • Claims record For finalizing the flood insurance quotes, your claims history will be examined. If the insurance company senses any form of inconsistencies in your past reimbursements, then your premiums might get expensive, or your application can get declined.