• 10 common types of skin rashes you should be aware of 

    Skin rashes are nothing but discolorations of the skin or inflammations. Photos of skin rashes are widely available on the internet that will give you access to a lot of information regarding this skin disorder. However, skin rash pictures can be deceptive because the condition in the photograph may be entirely different from what a person might be experiencing.

    If skin rash pictures are helping you understand the type of skin condition you want to know more about, here are descriptions of some of the most common types of skin rashes:

    • Psoriasis: In this skin infection, skin cells multiply almost ten times faster than regular cells. This appears typically on the knees, elbows, and scalp.
    • Hives: These usually cause burning and itching. They appear as red swollen bumps on the skin and is typically caused by allergens or as a response to histamine, which is released in the body. It can last a day or more depending on the severity.
    • Drug reactions: With one look at skin rash photos, doctors can quickly diagnose a reaction to a drug. They may look like hives, and sometimes manifest as blisters or bumps on the skin.
    • Rashes due to extreme heat: Low tolerance to heat can make your skin burst out into a rash which looks like specks on your skin. It spreads all over your body and gives an appearance of little red dots on your skin. These are caused when the sweat pores get blocked.
    • Fungal rashes: These are rashes caused by a fungal infection, also called yeast infections.
    • Rashes due to bacterial infections: Such rashes are also called cellulitis, and they are painful.
    • Parasite caused rashes: Commonly known as scabies, this is an infection called by the human itch mite.
    • Tinea: There is a yeast that lives on our skin, and when it gets out of control, it takes the form of a rash called ‘tinea.’
    • Chicken pox: One does not need to look at skin rash photos to figure out that they have contracted chicken pox. It is contagious and is easily identifiable by the red blisters it causes.
    • Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: Identified by ulcers in and around the mouth, feet, and hand; this rash is contagious.

    Photographs of skin conditions can reveal the illness or condition causing the skin to break out in rashes and aid greatly in accurate diagnosis.

  • Steps to effectively prevent genital herpes

    Genital herpes is a prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD) that results in herpetic sores. These are painful blisters, which might break open anytime and the fluid inside the blisters oozes out. The genital herpes photos can give you a clear picture of what the blisters look like. There are two types of viruses that cause genital herpes:

    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1)
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-2)

    These viruses enter the body of the humans through the mucous membranes, which are thin layers of tissues lining the openings of the body. Once these viruses enter the body, they adapt to the environments very quickly and easily. At the same time, they rapidly multiply, which makes their treatment extremely difficult. This can be made clear by referring to pictures of genital herpes.

    Steps for prevention

    As genital herpes is very difficult to treat, it is best to take effective measures for the prevention of the disease. The steps are described below:

    • You should always have protected sex using a condom. Care should be taken that the condom covers the area if you are infected or avoid intercourse altogether.
    • Always ask your partner if they ever had any of the STDs. The reason behind this is a person is more likely to have genital herpes if they have a history of STDs.
    • Both the partners should be clear of what genital herpes is before having sex where there are high chances of spreading the virus. They can refer to some of the genital herpes photos for a clear understanding.
    • Limiting the number of sexual partners is a very good way of preventing the disease.
    • Before having sex, you should consider asking your partner about their sexual history since having many partners have higher chances of being exposed to the herpes virus.
    • You should make sure not to have sex with anyone who has sores in their genitals.

    If you think you have been infected, check genital herpes pictures to make sure and consult your doctor immediately.

  • 6 FDA-approved medications for high cholesterol

    6 FDA-approved medications for high cholesterol

    High cholesterol leads to fatty deposits in the blood vessels. Over time, these deposits grow, causing difficulties for the blood to flow through the arteries. In some cases, the deposits may break off and form clots. These can cause a stroke or heart attack. There can be multiple causes of high cholesterol; the causes can be genetic or a result of unhealthy lifestyle habits. This makes high cholesterol a preventable and treatable health disorder.

    High cholesterol can be easily managed by following a balanced and healthy diet along with regular exercise. In case the cholesterol levels are extremely high, medications may be required to control and manage the condition. There are a few medications for high cholesterol that are approved by the FDA. All these medications must be taken only when prescribed by a doctor.

    • Kynamro
      A cholesterol-lowering medication, Kynamro works by lowering bad cholesterol in the blood, such as non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL), apolipoprotein-B (apo-B), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). It is effective when used along with a low-fat diet and other prescribed treatments. Kynamro is usually recommended to those with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, an inherited type of high cholesterol. It is, however, not suitable for those with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Although Kynamro lowers high cholesterol levels, it is uncertain if the medication can lower the risk of heart diseases.
    • Altoprev
      Altoprev, when used with a diet, helps lower blood levels of bad cholesterol such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Altoprev works by increasing the levels of good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The medication also lowers the levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. A high level of triglycerides increases the risk of cardiovascular disorders. The use of Altoprev has been known to lower the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and other heart complications resulting from diabetes.
    • Repatha®
      This medication is used for the treatment of high LDL cholesterol; this type of cholesterol is also known as bad cholesterol. Repatha® is a type of human monoclonal antibody. It aids the liver in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. It is prescribed to those with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH). Additionally, medical experts also recommend Repatha® to those who are at risk of other complications due to cholesterol, such as heart attacks and strokes. This medication is effective only when used along with a balanced low-fat diet and other high cholesterol medications.
      A type of monoclonal antibody, PRALUENT works by assisting the liver to reduce bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the body. It is usually prescribed to two groups of patients: those with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and those who have experienced complications such as strokes or heart attacks due to high cholesterol levels.
    • Colestid Flavored
      This cholesterol-lowering medication is also known as a bile acid-binding resin. Colestid Flavored lowers LDL cholesterol levels by removing bile acid from the body. This leads to more bile acid production by the liver using cholesterol. As a result, it lowers high cholesterol to a great extent. With a combination of a low-fat diet and other medications, Colestid can help manage high cholesterol effectively.
    • Antara
      Also known as Fenofibrate, Antara lowers LDL and triglycerides and increases the level of HDL in the blood. The medication increases the levels of natural enzymes that break down fats in the blood. Antara is most effective when combined with a proper diet and exercises. Habits like smoking should be avoided.
  • 12 common causes of skin rash you ought to know about

    There are innumerable causes of skin rashes. Zeroing in on one will be difficult. However, you can refer to skin rash photos that are widely available online to understand what exactly has caused the skin rash.

    Although looking at skin rash photos available online can give a fair idea of what is affecting your skin, it is best to consult a dermatologist and receive immediate medical attention. In case you notice rashes on your skin, the following can give you a little hint regarding what caused the rash to appear on your skin:

    • Bites and stings: Insect bites and stings cause rashes on your skin. The reaction and the symptoms vary based on the insect and the affected individual as well.
    • Fleabites: Flea bite rashes are quite common, and they appear reddish.
    • Eczema: A common skin condition, the symptoms include dry, scaly skin and severe itching.
    • Ringworm: A fungal skin infection, the symptoms include itchy, reddish rashes that are circular.
    • Yeast infection or candidiasis: It is a common infection that mainly affects the genital regions. The symptoms include soreness, pain and itching, burning sensation and irritating rashes.
    • Fifth disease: It is also known as erythema infectiosum and is caused by parvovirus B19. The symptoms of this disease include blotchy red rashes on the cheeks.
    • Impetigo: This is a highly contagious skin condition that affects children. The signs of this disease are red, itchy patches that appear on the skin.
    • Shingles: This is caused by a virus named varicella-zoster, which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. It infects the nerves and causes painful rashes on the skin.
    • Measles: It is a contagious disease caused by the rubeola virus. The symptoms include the appearance of reddish-brown rashes and small grayish-white spots with bluish-white centers in the mouth.
    • Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused due to the bite of an infected tick. The symptoms include rashes that often appear in the earlier stages of the disease.
    • Lupus: It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks healthy tissues. Rashes, especially on the cheeks, are common symptoms.
    • Dengue fever: It is transmitted by mosquitoes. One of the earliest symptoms includes large patches of rashes that appear all over the body.

    Skin rash pictures are essential for understanding which rash you are suffering from. Scrutinize skin rash photos and your rash to help your doctor diagnose your condition.

  • 7 signs of multiple myeloma to look out for

    Multiple myeloma is a rare type of cancer that leads to accumulating cancer cells in the bone marrow. It alters the blood’s plasma cells and lowers the body’s production of disease-fighting antibodies, thus causing a wide range of symptoms in the process. However, the disease often has no signs in its early stages, making it challenging to identify. Therefore, here are the silent signs of multiple myeloma to look out for:

    Healthy blood cells allow the body to fight disease and infections easily. However, with the increase of cancerous cells in the body, it has to work much harder to fight infections, causing fatigue and weakness.

    Bone problems
    Since myeloma affects the bone marrow, it can affect the process of bone cell formation, which can lead to problems like bone pain and brittle or broken bones.

    Kidney problems
    The breakdown of bone in the body leads to a rise in calcium levels, which can lead to several complications like increased thirst and urination, constipation, confusion, and kidney damage.

    Low blood counts
    The multiplication of myeloma cells in the body leads to crowding out healthy blood cells. This reduces the occurrence of red blood cells (anemia) and white blood cells (leukopenia), making one more susceptible to infections.

    Frequent infections
    Myeloma negatively impacts the occurrence of antibodies, making it challenging to fight infection-causing microbes.

    Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation in hands and feet
    Myeloma cells produce an abnormal antibody called monoclonal immunoglobulin, or the M-protein. This protein is toxic to nerves and can cause a condition known as peripheral neuropathy, which leads to numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in the hands and feet.

    Hyperviscosity syndrome
    High levels of M-protein in the body can cause blood to thicken, giving rise to symptoms like abnormal bleeding, headaches, chest pain, decreased alertness, or shortness of breath.

    Multiple myeloma is diagnosed when there is a plasma cell tumor or at least 10 percent of plasma cells in the bone marrow. It is along with the presence of one or more symptoms like high blood calcium cells, poor kidney function, anemia, tumors with holes in the bones, 60 percent or more plasma cells in the bone marrow, and increased levels of light chains. In addition, doctors may order several tests like CT scans, MRIs, bone X-rays, or lab tests to confirm the presence and spread of multiple myeloma before starting treatment.

  • What is AFib stroke and what causes it

    Afib (Atrial Fibrillation) is a condition in which there is abnormal and fast electrical rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. When afib occurs, the upper chambers do not contract completely, and hence the flow of blood gets restricted. As the blood collects or gets stagnant, it slowly starts forming clots. These blood clots could move to the brain causing a stroke. Afib treatments, therefore, need to be done quickly to prevent this from happening. Before starting on afib stroke medications, it would be beneficial to understand the causes of this condition.

    According to the statistics, more than 2.6 million Americans are affected by Afib. This number is only expected to increase to about 12 million by the year 2050, due to the aging population. Afib-related strokes are said to be nearly twice as fatal and disabling as non-afib related strokes.

    Causes of Afib stroke
    Afib is a condition that should not be left untreated. Many people with afib are usually unaware of their condition, hence diagnosing afib is even harder. If there is no timely treatment, afib stroke can have serious repercussions on the physical health. Listed below are some of the causes of Afib:

    • High blood pressure
    • Heart attacks or previous heart surgeries or congenital heart defects
    • Overactive thyroid glands
    • Exposure to certain stimulants like tobacco, alcohol or caffeine
    • Cholesterol is seen to be the cause in many cases of afib

    The main cause of afib stroke is the formation of clots due to the chaotic electric rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. Afib treatment medication is hence focused on preventing the formation of clots. Also, understanding the patient’s condition could help in getting the right type of atrial fibrillation medications.

    The best afib treatment medication would be to prevent afib strokes by treating it, rather than ignoring it. Periodic testing would be the best way to be safe. Also maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will be beneficial.

  • 4 tips to find useful resources for caregivers

    Whether you decide to be a primary caregiver or a secondary caregiver, you have to put in a lot of personal time, hard work, and resources to make your loved one feel cared for without any stress or anxiety. You may have to become a caregiver suddenly due to an unforeseen illness of your loved one or your role as a caregiver may evolve over time due to your loved one’s age or if they are suffering from a debilitating illness. In either case, you may sometimes find yourself lost and unsure about certain aspects of caregiving. In such situations, it can be helpful to seek out external services and support. Here are a few useful tips that can help you find support services to aid in your caregiving process:

    • Ask for help
      Family and friends are often the most helpful resources when it comes to providing support. Distant relatives, neighbors, and friends often look for small opportunities to help out and will often ask if you need any assistance. Involve them in the caregiving process. This will take the load off.
    • Research on the Internet
      The Internet is a good place to look for support services. Many caregiving assistance-providers have their own websites where they advertise the various services they provide. You can easily find the providers that are close to where you are staying. You can also find their contact information and do background research to check whether these providers are reliable or not.
    • Talk to a representative
      Once you have sourced a list of support services, start making calls. Talk to a representative and inquire about the services they provide. Through phone calls, you can also gauge whether the staff is friendly and helpful. You can know the level of reliability and transparency from their willingness to divulge information.
    • Make a list of questions
      Before making calls, ensure that you make a list of questions you want to ask. Since you will be delegating a part of your caregiving responsibility to an outsider, you will have to ensure that your loved one and their needs are well-taken care of in your absence. Hence, make your questions as detailed and specific as possible. Ensure that you are clear about what you and your loved one would require.
  • 7 effective ways to prevent deafness

    Hearing loss is a common health concern for many people, and it can result from different causes. There are different treatments available depending on the problem area in the ear. So, it’s always better to take care of your ears and avoid the things that can harm your hearing ability. Here’s how.

    • Avoid damaging noises: While sensitivity to loud sound varies from person to person, prolonged exposure to noise levels over 80 decibels (dB) can cause permanent harm to the hearing ability. Exceptionally loud noises of short duration such as firing a gun or an explosion can cause irreversible hearing loss. Many of our veterans have a sensorineural hearing loss due to the time they spent around firearms, artillery and jet engines.
    • Use hearing protection: To protect your ears, you can use aids such as earplugs, earmuffs or noise-cancellation earphones. Use these to avoid hearing loss when you think there’s high noise exposure.
    • Enjoy music within safe decibel ranges: Experts suggest a 60:60 rule; 60% of your device’s maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day. Invest in noise-cancelling headphones for your MP3 player or phone, so you don’t have to turn your music or podcast up to hear it over background sounds.
    • Keep your ears clean and avoid a buildup of wax: – Be careful using cotton buds when regularly cleaning your ears. Don’t poke other objects in the ear in an attempt to clean them.
    • Have a healthy diet that prevents hearing loss: Make sure to include omega-3 fats, antioxidants and folic acid supplements. Magnesium and zinc as well as vitamins C, D and E and glutathione as a supplement for hearing.
    • Treat your ear infection well: If your doctor prescribes an antibiotic, make sure you complete your dose. Put ear drops from time to time, to avoid infections.
    • Don’t ignore a fever: Some illnesses, such as meningitis, that cause high fevers can harm your hearing. Keep a check on such diseases.

    With these small changes in your daily routine and with an increased level of awareness, the effort to preserve your hearing can have a big payoff in the future.

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  • How to apply for an online psychology degree

    Online courses are a rage these days. You will find every other person considering this option. The reason for the popularity of this option is that you get a degree without having to attend the college. All you got to do is take online classes and earn credits.

    Psychology is one of the popular online degree options among the people with an art background. Some of the best colleges in the US, today, offer psychology degrees online to American citizens as well as international students.

    These psychology degrees online are perfect for those students who cannot afford to go to the college or who have a fulltime job.

    Read the article to find out more about the psychology degrees online in the US.

    Are you ready for the online course?

    Though you are not required to attend college daily, online courses need a certain amount of commitment from you.

    You need to have the zeal to learn and be passionate about the subject.

    Before enrolling for a course, make sure that you have enough finance to pay for the complete course.

    What to keep in mind when you are checking out the popular psychology degrees online?

    The subjects offered is one of the main factors you should consider while you choose an online course. Do your research and decide to do an online course from a college which offers the subjects of your choice.

    Next, you should consider the affordability of the course. Unlike your regular college fees, where you pay for every term, online course fees are calculated according to the credit hours. So, it is best to have an idea of the credits you want and a rough estimation of the total cost of the online degree.

    Know the compulsory technology fees you would be paying for your course.

    Check with the college about their flexibility when it comes to attending classes. Many times, colleges require you to at least attend the college twice a month or so. So, if you are planning to enroll for an online course offered by a college in a different continent, you might want to reconsider your choice.

    You must also consider the additional costs. It can be your WIFI charges for watching the online tutorial or the travel cost for the days you must go to the campus.

    Don’t forget to check out the additional benefits the online programmes provide like the free one on one tutoring, internship on completion of the course and merit-based scholarship.

    Do a thorough research before you sign up for any of the psychology degrees online. If you want you can always call up the college help desk and ask if you can meet the faculty and know more about what the course would cover.

  • Fast food printable coupons at your fingertips

    Fast food is definitely attracting a huge number of foodies from across the globe and what makes it even more interesting is that it remains a pocket-friendly option. From McDonald’s to Subway and KFC printable coupons, you can find amazing deals and discounts to get cheaper fast food. Wondering where you can find amazing deals and discounts through fast food printable coupons? Fret not and let’s take a look at how this works.

    Join their email list
    When you join the official email list of the fast food chains, you’re provided with regular promos, discounts, and other coupons. Alternatively, you can also connect with the social media platforms of McDonald’s or KFC and get latest updates on offers, discounts, and free McDonald’s coupons, Subway coupons or KFC coupons as well.

    Visit deal websites
    If you simply search for McDonald’s coupon on the Internet you’ll find a lot of promising deals and coupons on various websites. Some of these deals are truly worth taking but not all. Make sure to browse through the various websites offering coupons to get the best deals. Alternatively, you can also find valid coupons on the social media websites.

    Check newspapers
    Before you throw away the flyers and junk mail in the trash bin consider taking a look at those leaflets that have come to your house. You may just find free McDonald’s, Subway or KFC coupons. Sunday newspapers are still the best resource for such deals for many people. These newspapers go big on deals on Sundays. If you love to eat out, especially at one of these food joints then don’t forget to check your newspaper, at least during the weekends.

    Free printable coupons
    Whether you are hunting for Subway printable coupons or KFC printable coupons, you can now get these all at your fingertips. There are some of the popular couponing websites that offer printable coupon options. Check these websites regularly and print the coupons to redeem them. All you have to do is to visit the website and type in the details. Reply to their confirmation and you will receive a free coupon. Also, many food joints come up with special offers on special occasions. Do not forget to grab these offers and enjoy some finger-licking fast food at a cheaper price through coupons.

  • Know the Warning Signs of Lymph Node Cancer

    Lymph node cancer or Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one such disease that shows many symptoms. The symptoms depend on where it occurs in your body and the type of lymphoma you are suffering from. There are times when you might not see any symptoms until the node gets bigger. Also, you should remember that having one or more lymph node cancer symptoms do not portray that you are suffering from the disease. Many of the symptoms of lymphoma that you will learn about from this article may be caused by another, not too serious a disease. So, on identifying these symptoms in your body, you should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.

    Some of the symptoms of lymph node cancer include the following.

    • Swollen abdomen (belly)
    • Chest pain or pressure
    • Severe or frequent infections
    • Enlarged lymph nodes
    • Weight loss
    • Easy bruising or bleeding
    • Lack of appetite
    • Shortness of breath or a cough
    • Fatigue
    • Chills

    Many people suffering from this disease are known to have B symptoms. Some B symptoms are as follows:

    • Drenching night sweats
    • Weight loss without even trying (at least 10% of the total body weight over 6 months)
    • Fever (that can come and go over several days or weeks) without any infection

    Abdominal symptoms of lymphoma
    Abdominal pain is also one of the lymph node cancer symptoms. It can be caused due to the enlargement of the organs and because of this enlargement, you might feel swelling and pain in the abdominal section of your body. Also, there is a loss of appetite because of a large number of fluids deposited in the abdomen.

    Symptoms of lymphoma on the chest
    Some of the more common lymph node cancer symptoms in the chest are as follows:

    • Coughing
    • Chest pain
    • Breathing trouble
    • High pressure in the chest

    Symptoms of lymphoma affecting the brain
    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can affect the brain as well. Some of the lymph node cancer symptoms affecting the brain are given below:

    • A headache
    • Trouble in thinking
    • Weakness in parts of the body
    • Changes in the personality
    • Double vision
    • Facial numbness
    • Trouble in speaking

    In case you experience some or any of the above symptoms, without panicking, consult a doctor to ascertain the presence of lymphoma without a delay because early detection is the key to recovery and survival.