• Brew fresh coffee in 5 steps with Keurig coffee makers

    For decades, Keurig coffee makers have been one of the most popular coffee makers for home as well as business. Due to its overwhelming popularity, Keurig coffee makers sale has never undergone any decline. With versatile features and sleek design, Keurig coffee makers are available in different variants that can brew from one to eight cups of coffee at a time per day. Depending on the capacity and features, the price of Keurig coffee makers also varies. You will find coffee makers that cost below $100 as well as those that cost more than $500. You can also research and pick the coffee maker from Keurig coffee makers sale to get it at a discount rate.

    Although there are different models of Keurig coffee makers with different features, the basic operation remains the same. There are 5 basic steps that are common to all Keurig coffee makers. Follow these steps to make your own freshly brewed coffee every morning:

    Step 1: Plug the cord of your Keurig coffee machine to a power outlet. Detach the water reservoir tank by lifting it up from the coffee maker. Remove the cover lid. For models such as K15, there is no detachable water reservoir. In such a case, pour water directly into the attached reservoir.

    Step 2: Clean the detachable reservoir under running tap water. Then fill the reservoir with clean water up to the “fill line”. Then secure the reservoir to the coffee machine with the lock tabs and put the cover lid back.

    Step 3: Before you start brewing your first cup of coffee, you will need to do “cleansing brew” that will clear away any debris or impurities present inside your coffee machine. Let the water in the reservoir heat up. Put a coffee mug or any small container under the coffee outlet and press a cup size, if available. This first cup of heated water has to be discarded. You can do this a couple of times, just to be sure that the internal mechanism of your Keurig coffee maker is completely clean. Refill the reservoir again, if required.

    Step 4: Pick your favorite blend of K-cup. Don’t remove the foil lid of the K-cup. Your Keurig coffee maker will perforate through the foil lid and force water through the perforated openings. This is how your coffee will be brewed and prepared by the coffee maker.

    Step 5: Put the K-cup inside your Keurig coffee maker so that the cup in right in the center of the device. Close the lid of the coffee maker. After some time, you will see a display or light that indicates that your coffee is ready to be brewed. Select strength of your coffee and the size, if your coffee maker has these options. Depending on the model of your Keurig coffee maker, it will take from 50 seconds to 2 minutes for your coffee to be ready.

  • Nespresso: The perfect cup of Swiss bliss!

    Everyone likes coffee. You may be a dog person or a cat person. You may be a believer or an atheist. But when it comes to coffee, you are either a coffee person or a coffee addict. In fact, the coffee culture has grown so much that baristas and cafe that started small, have grown into multi-billion dollar industries, spreading over the entire globe. Some of the biggest players in the coffee industry are Keurig, Starbucks, Folgers and Maxwell House. Not to forget the coffee subsidiaries of Nestle.

    Nescafe and Nespresso are coffee brands under the house of Nestle, with each brand having their own distinction. While Nescafe has popularized itself with a variety of flavors and aromas, Nespresso has always been labeled as a premium segment delight. Nespresso has ventured in coffee-making machines, Vertuo Line systems, and their legendary idea of coffee pods or Nespresso capsules.

    Nespresso machines
    The coffee maker is not a rare site nowadays. You can find it in offices, malls, stores and even homes, apart from the hotels and cafes. Nespresso is one of the world leaders in this field. With a varied selection of machines for different taste of their customers, the idea is simple: provide that perfect cup of coffee each and every time wherever you may be. Some of the bestselling Nespresso machines are:

    • Nespresso CitiZ&Milk (approx. $224.25)
    • Inissia Intense Black (approx. $111.75)
    • Graphite Metal Evoluo (approx. $149.25)

    Nespresso capsules
    The Nespresso capsules were a game changer. It was designed and patented by Nestle and though it did not get acceptance in its initial days, today it is one of the bestselling products of Nespresso. The equal mix of coffee sealed tightly inside an aluminum pod, which fits in a coffee maker, helps to make great coffee and preserves the aroma for a longer period. Some of the flavors available as capsules are:

    • Nespresso Stormio (approx. $1.10)
    • Nespresso Ristretto (approx. $0.70)
    • Nespresso Arpeggio (approx. $0.70)
    • Nespresso Intenso (approx. $1.10)

    However, before you plan on your next visit to the store to buy Nespresso, we suggest you search online for a Nespresso coupon code to make your coffee even sweeter. There are many deals and discounts on online and retail shopping centers, which provide great offers on coffee makers and bulk capsule orders. Even free shipping, cash on delivery options, store locators and exclusive Nespresso coupon codes for loyal customers are available on their website.

    The story of Nespresso began 30 years ago, and has definitely revolutionized the coffee culture. They have innovated and improved throughout to provide that perfect cup of coffee and it doesn’t seem that they plan on stopping any time soon. No matter in which category you fall in, you are sure to enjoy each cup of Nespresso with the same taste and aroma. After all, everyone likes coffee, isn’t it? And with Nespresso coupon codes, you will be saving big time as well.

  • Liven up your morning coffee with these Keurig coffee maker

    The secret to a good cup of coffee does only lie on the coffee beans that you use. Although the type and quality of coffee beans are essential, the quality of your cup of joe also depends on the coffee maker that you use. If you like brewing your own coffee and like having a fresh cup every time, you can opt for coffee makers such as the Keurig coffee makers. Although the range of coffee makers from Keurig tend to be on the higher spectrum of the price range, you may find Keurig coffee makers sale through online retailers such as eBay, Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond and so on. You will find great discounts on Keurig coffee makers sales.

    While looking for a Keurig coffee maker, there are two factors that are significant: longevity and performance. With the wide range of options available, the performance of different variants of Keurig is basically the same since all Keurig coffee makers use the same technology for brewing your coffee. The difference would be more on the number of features, the brewing capacity and the size of your Keurig coffee maker. If you are looking for a Keurig coffee maker for your morning cuppa, here are three variants that will give you freshly brewed coffee whenever you want:

    Keurig K15: Priced below $100, this is the most basic coffee maker from Keurig. If you find this on Keurig coffee makers sale, you can buy the K15 for about $70. This coffee maker has been designed for single servings of coffee. It brews coffee on demand. Majorly made of plastic, this coffee maker does not have any internal water tank. This Keurig coffee is suitable for those who drink just one or two cups of coffee a day. It takes about two minutes to get your coffee ready.

    Keurig K55: This single-serve coffee maker from Keurig is reasonably priced, similar to the Keurig K15. However, the features are better than K15. It has a detachable water reservoir that can hold water for 4 to 5 cups of coffee. This Keurig coffee maker will get your coffee ready in 60 seconds. With an auto-turn off feature and Quiet Brew technology, the K55 is very easy to use. This Keurig coffee maker can also be used to brew tea and lemonade or you can just use it to get hot water if you are not using a K-cup.

    Keurig 2.0 K575 Series: One of the latest series of coffee makers from Keurig, this one pack in an improved build quality and sleek touchscreen with a feature-rich display screen. This has an 80oz detachable water reservoir, which is the largest in the range of Keurig coffee makers. The coffee makers in this series takes about 55 seconds to prepare freshly brewed coffee.

  • How to save money when buying K-cups

    Using K-cups can be convenient, but it can be very expensive. If you don’t want to stop using these single-serve coffee products, but find their cost a bit (or a lot) steep, it is time to look for clever ways to save money on K-cups.

    Here are some brilliant budget-friendly ways you can use to spend on your K-cups:

    One excellent way to lower your expenses on K-cups is to stock up on your favorite brands during sales. Well, if you are not particular about a brand or flavor, you can buy any coffee that comes with a great deal.

    Always check various online retail stores for annual and special sale discounts. You can find K-cups with reduced prices during holiday sales or a store’s yearly clearance sale. If you find a brand you like, you can buy it in bulk to last you a few months. You needn’t worry about your bulk coffee purchase getting bad after a while as K-cups are sealed well. So, depending on your requirements, you can save a ton of money when you buy it during sales.

    • Buy from wholesale stores 
      There are discounts on every product available in warehouse stores or big wholesale stores. If you buy K-cups from any of these stores, you can save big bucks. You can find in-house brands as well as popular single-serve coffee options at these big box stores. So, take advantage of these available offers and buy your K-cups in bulk. Also, if a store is launching a new product, there are almost always free or discounted samples available for the same. You can be on the lookout for K-cup coffee freebies at these stores to save money.
    • Look for coupons
      You can find coupon deals for all kinds of coffee products. Begin with popular coupon sites and collect discount codes on your favorite K-cup coffee brands. Also, look for coupons in newspapers and websites of single-serve coffee brands. Using coupons is one of the best ways to avail K-cup coffee freebies. You can maximize these coupon discounts by combining them with store offers and other promotional deals.
    • Use reusable filters
      You might not like the idea of using reusable filters for your K-cups. But if you give it time, you can get used to the idea. You can buy an affordable K-cup filter and use it with any ground coffee you like. This is a great way to save money against the convenience that you get from using K-cups. Instead of using a new cup every time, you are using a filter and less expensive ground coffee.
    • Try specialty coffee stores 
      Independent cafes and roasters offer many deals on K-cups and other coffee products to regular customers. Once you have selected flavors you prefer, you can subscribe for regular orders and you might get excellent discounts. Most new roasters use discounts to attract new buyers and keep providing great deals to them to retain them as regular customers.
  • Program your way to an aromatic cup of coffee

    Did you know that you can now program your coffee maker to have a freshly brewed cup of coffee as soon as you wake up? Did you also know that you could halt the process of coffee grinding and brewing after you have the desired number of cups ready for your guests? However, you may not know about several other programmable features that bean-to-cup coffee makers can bring to your table. Read on to find more.

    Programming a coffee maker
    If you have no idea of what the programming of a coffee maker entails, then you should just know that it is all about the automatic and fully programmable features of this appliance. The latest in coffee machines, such as the Cuisinart coffee maker, have been designed to be programmable for up to 24 hours to start brewing. These coffee makers also have various automatic bean grinding and brewing options that the user can set and control according to their preferences of coffee making.

    Common programmable options in drip coffee machines
    While drip coffee machines such as the Cuisinart coffee maker come at affordable rates and have the capacity to brew several cups of coffee at a time, these machines also feature many useful programmable options to brew that perfect cup of coffee anytime. Here are some of the options that you can program to your advantage:

    • Cup count: This is the most common setting you may control in any decent drip coffee maker. Even if a machine is programmed for up to 12 cups of coffee in one brew, you can change it as per the required numbers. Singles or couples may do well with a 4-cup or even a 1-cup machine with programmable cup count.
    • Strength selector: Drip coffee makers have an option of choosing the strength of coffee. You can program it to get mild to strong coffee as per the taste and flavor you like.
    • Grind control selector: You can use this feature to grind beans, as you need them. You can get the beans at a perfect size and texture.
    • Temperature control/heater plate: You can control the temperature at which you want to brew your coffee. These machines have adjustable heater plates to set the temperature from low to high. Thus, your coffee can stay warm for hours.
    • Digital clock timer: This option can be used to time your perfect cup of coffee. You may even set it at night to get warm or piping hot coffee when you wake up in the morning. So, even if you forget to prepare your coffee, your coffee maker will not.
    • Brew pause: This most-used programmable function can stop/pause the brewing process and produce a cup of coffee out of the machine whenever you like. Replacing the carafe will help continue the process of brewing.
    • Auto shutoff: This is the handiest function that one can program to shut off the machine automatically at the desired time.
    • Self-clean: Just pressing a button can let your coffee maker clean itself to serve you fresh and flavorful coffee the next time. Thus, minimal maintenance is required for such programmable coffee makers.

    Now, getting a cup of rich and aromatic coffee is as easy as pressing a few buttons to program your coffee maker. Brew your coffee the way you desire and without a mess.

  • Tips to purchase Mr. Coffee appliances online

    Are you someone who hesitates to shop things online? Though online stores have gained huge popularity in the present days, many people still do not have a great understanding of the e-commerce stores and are afraid to get scammed. If you are also among them, you need to understand the secret of online shopping and master the art of this work. Online stores offer a wide variety and at a great price. Therefore, checking them out is always a good choice, especially when you are interested in purchasing Mr. Coffee appliances. If you are interested in purchasing appliances of this reputed brand, you need to take note of a few factors listed below:

    • Search for an authentic store
      This is the first step that you need to take when you are shopping online. You need to find a few stores selling the appliances of your choice and pick the authentic ones from them. Check the reviews and testimonials of the store in different forums or social networking sites, to detect their authenticity. You can also read the reviews of the stores on their sites as well to understand, whether they can serve you the products you order.
    • Payment security of the store
      Once you have verified the authenticity of the store, you need to check the payment methods that they use. Stores selling appliances from Mr. Coffee has secured payment gateways. Still, it is better to judge the security measures before offering your financial details to the site.
    • Look out for the range of products
      As you have verified the authenticity as well as payment security of the store, it is now important to check out for the product range offered by them. Not all stores offer a complete set of appliances offered by Mr. Coffee. Therefore, to make your purchase, you need to find stores, which has the complete range or the product that you need.
    • Compare the price
      All stores may not offer you the same price for the products they sell. Therefore, irrespective of the fact that you need new appliances, a repair part or just an accessory, you should compare the price charged by a few of them. When comparing the price of the products, you should also give importance to the deals and discounts offered from time to time. Getting hold of some special deals can help you in saving a big deal at ease.

    Owing to the increasing popularity of Mr. Coffee appliances, many stores now offer these appliances at a great price. If you search a bit intelligently, you can also get free shipping on your purchase. You need to ensure that the store on which you have decided to place the order has shipping service in your area.

  • 3 cheap Keurig coffee makers to instantly brew your morning joe

    Whether you have very limited cash to spare, or if you do not want to invest much in a coffee maker, you can still get a good cup of coffee at home without spending too much. The thing with low-cost or cheap coffee makers is that they usually are available in single-serve variants. That is, they make coffee in single portions which are enough for one person. Keurig has been one of the popular brands of single-serve coffee makers.

    If you are looking for coffee makers that do not take up much counter space, are compact in size and have minimalist design and features, cheap Keurig coffee makers would be a good choice for you. These are quite easy to use without any cleaning or operating hassles attached. Whenever a caffeine craving strikes, you can quickly get a cup of freshly brewed hot steaming coffee. Here are 4 popular cheap Keurig coffee makers for you. Each of these Keurig coffee makers is priced below $100.

    Keurig K-Compact Single Serve Coffee Maker: With one of the smallest removable reservoir from Keurig, this coffee maker is perfect for a dorm room and small office rooms. It just measures about 8″ in width. This slender Keurig coffee maker can brew 6, 8, and 10z. of hot and cold beverages. It has a Smart Start feature that heats and then brews your coffee in one convenient process. With the 6oz. removable reservoir, you can brew multiple cups of coffee before refilling the coffee maker.

    Keurig K15 Single Serve Compact K-Cup Pod Coffee Maker: This portable and cheap Keurig coffee maker is ideal for small spaces with its small size. This compact coffee maker is perfect for personal use wherever you go. With brew sizes ranging from 6oz. to 10oz., this coffee maker gives your hot and fresh coffee within 2 minutes. It has a single cup water reservoir that that can be refilled with fresh water for every fresh brew of coffee. This Keurig coffee maker has an automatic shut-off feature, which turns the brewer off after every use.

    Keurig K50 The All Purposed Coffee Maker: This versatile coffee maker from Keurig can brew coffee, tea, hot cocoa as well as iced beverages. You can brew in sizes 6oz., 8oz. and 10oz. This coffee maker brews coffee within a minute. One of the bulkier ones in this list, this Keurig coffee maker has a programmable auto turn off feature and indicator lights to signal when the machine is ready to brew and when your coffee is done.

  • Types of Bunn coffee maker

    Coffee makers from Bunn come in great styles and designs. Each of these products have been designed to provide great brewing experience to the users. The chrome finish in many products helps in quick brewing of your beverage. Are you also looking to buy the best Bunn coffee maker? You can choose your product from among these machines:

    Bunn 133000.0001 VP17-1SS Coffee brewer: This kitchen appliance can brew four gallons of coffee in an hour. It is built like a complete tank, has a warming tank and is suitable for small restaurants. Since it is compact, you can buy it for personal use as well. This bunn coffee maker is ideal for those places that see low to medium demand for coffee, such as churches.

    BUNN BT: If you want your coffee maker to be flexible, then buy the BUNN BT model, which has a thermal carafe and helps in keeping your coffee warm.

    BUNN NHS Velocity Brew Home Coffee brewer: This coffee making machine is preferred by those who want drip coffee and want things fast, but simple. One of the best drip coffee makers, this BUNN product combines trust and design. This coffeemaker can brew 50 Oz. of coffee at a given time and contains a glass carafe. It also has an internal water tank that keeps the coffee warm. Another plus point of this bunn coffee maker is that it has a single touch operation.

    BUNN MCU Single Home Cup brewer: This coffee brewer has been around for quite some time and has been top rated by many users. This machine can be used with K-Cups, pods and ground coffee. You can use this brewer for dispensing hot water too. While it is essentially a coffee maker, you can use it to make great teas as well. If you have guests at your place, the BUNN MCU can brew 14 Oz. of coffee in just under a minute. Use its Pulse’ button to make a stronger coffee. Fitted with a tank, this machine can brew coffee for several years. A word of caution to the new buyers please shut this Bunn coffee maker off when not in use because it does not have an energy saving mode.


    Bunn coffee brewers are available in several configurations. A single cup machine is just right for you, if you want one cup of coffee at a time. Multi cup brewers are useful to those who want 2 or more cups of coffee at a given time. A Velocity Brew is that machine which makes coffee for NOW.

    Advanced Technology

    If you want to buy products that are high on technology, then you may consider these models:

    Trifecta MB5: This coffee maker has a perfectly crafted cup and is armed with 5-infusion settings.

    Trifecta MB: It has 25 different settings and gives you an awesome coffee.

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  • Complete Guide To Leather Handbags For Your Convenience

    It has become humanly impossible to go somewhere without carrying a purse or handbag as it is important for everyone to carry certain things like cell phone, gadgets, money or makeup boxes. The bags are the unsung heroes in our lives that have been playing their essential role silently for the years. However, over the course of time, there have been certain developments taking place and the experiment with leather has not ever stopped. Moreover, even though people had certain misconceptions and myths regarding the items, they never seemed to put the bags down.

    Origin of leather bags
    From the initial phase of civilizations, human beings have been carrying an object that can help them carry articles easily. Regardless of gender, the bags with pockets have been in existence from the ancient period. The use of material, texture, color, and size has been changing over the course of time; however, the designers are never standing still with the only design.

    • Classicism brought a significant change in women’s wardrobe as the first handbag emerged into human society referring to the reticule style.
    • During the Industrial Revolution, polished steel, paper-mâché, and iron were introduced into the production of the bags; basically, the travel bags launched back then are now precursors of today’s leather handbags.
    • During the 20th Century, the handbag disclosed its identity full-fledged as the needs of carrying objects around started to grow. To make it as a part of the fashion revolution, several types of leather were used that could make the products more long-lasting. Brands such as Prada, Louis Vuitton, Hermès and Gucci became the prime leatherwear manufacturers across the globe.

    Types of leather
    There are numerous types of leather handbags available in the market and the kinds of leather used in the bags differentiate the value of the bags. If 100% pure leather is used then the price of the product will be higher than the normal bags. Additionally, if it is made faux leather, the price will not be as costly as the real leatherwear and the exclusiveness will be nothing as compared to a real leather handbag.

    • Patch leather – This kind of leather may be derived from lambskin or cowhide as this is usually produced using various types of small components of leather. The quality of the material can be similar to that of cowhide but the bags are more affordable. However, the affordable cost has not still made it a very common choice to use among the mass people.
    • Cowhide – One of the most common types of leather that are used for luxury items is derived from actual cow skin. The high quality of the leather is long-lasting enough for daily purpose adding a hint of luxury to men and women’s wardrobe.
    • Lambskin – As the name suggests, this type of leather can be extracted from the lambs. The soft texture can be a great fashion statement; however, these leather handbags are not as great for the long haul as the ones made of cowhide leather. You can get the popular kinds of leather handbags such as Jack & Chris, Genuine, and Kattee from various online stores including Amazon.

    Myths and misconceptions of leather handbags
    The myths regarding the bags can reduce the glamorous appeal making people think twice to buy one.

    • Leather handbags are heavy – The bags come with different types of materials and shapes and size. The soft touch of the bag does not make the bag heavy to carry around. Additionally, lightweight and heavyweight bags are always available in the market.
    • Not water or dust resistant – As the bags undergo several stages of waxing and tanning for being ideal to exude a fashion statement, the bags become waterproof. Additionally, they can endure adverse conditions like heavy pouring rain or strong sunlight or storm of dust easily. Hence, for the outdoor visits, the leather accessories are now people’s most preferred company.
  • Reasons Why You Should Invest In The Best Carpet Stain Removers

    Stains on the carpet are nearly impossible to remove. There are a number of things which can stain your carpet as well as every particular thing will have their own effect in a number of ways. Carpet stain removers can help you out to clean various types of stains.

    Let us look at these best carpet stain removers in detail:

    • BISSELL Carpet Spot & Stain Remover
      According to the Consumer Reports, the BISSELL Power Shot Oxy stain remover is used by many housekeepers to clean difficult and expensive carpets. This stain remover is equipped with an oxygen element which works to light up all the stains on the carpets and floor cover. The oxygen application works on both new as well as old stains and removes the stains by applying it just once. BISSELL Professional Power Shot Oxy Carpet Spot and Stain Remover also removes all the foul smell which comes from the old stains and provide a fresh aroma over the affected areas. Stains of wine, pet stains, spaghetti, coffee spots, blood, motor oil, as well as grease are very hard to remove but this effective oxygen cleaner effortlessly removes all the spots. In the US market, the price of this cleaner is $6.99. Functions of BISSELL Professional Power Shot Oxy Carpet Spot and Stain Remover are the removal of tough stains and protection of the carpet from future stains. BISSELL Professional Power Shot triple Oxy formula will permanently remove all the stains and foul smell. This stain remover is easy to use and works quite faster than any other stain remover. BISSELL is one of the trusted brands which offers many of the award-winning Oxy Pro products and makes their customers happy with this great cleaning material. This is one of the best carpet stain removers.
    • Capture Carpet Spot & Stain Remover
      The U.S. market value of this best carpet stain remover is $11.49. Capture Carpet Spot & Stain Remover basically eliminates the moisture which helps to grow bacteria, mold as well as allergens in the carpet and it also prolongs the life of the carpet. It helps to remove all the dust and dirt particles, odors and allergens from carpet and makes it clean just like a new one. This stain removal formula is designed up to remove the hard spots of dirt, juice, coffee, wine, food items and other hard stains very quickly. It is even safer to use it on the stain impermeable carpets. This stain remover is handy and can be used every day on the carpet. The powerful ingredients of this remover can remove even the old stains which are impossible to be removed. This is ready to use material and makes your carpet clean and fresh for long period of time. No bleach or harsh chemicals are used in this cleaner. Therefore, it is completely safe and does not fade off the color of the carpet. This eco-friendly stain remover is the best alternative to make your carpet clean and spot free. This is one of the best carpet stain removers.
    • Blue Magic Carpet Stain and Spot Lifter
      This stain remover is easy to use and it takes very less time to remove the spots from the carpet. The market value in the U.S. of this remover is $5.99. It takes about 10-30 seconds to remove the tough spots. It is perfect for your house and you do not have to work hard for the application of this remover. Also, it makes you free from the task of vacuuming. This stain removing subsidiary is crucial to use as it saves your time which you put on tough cleaning to remove hard spots. It cleans the spots of grease, tar, blood, wine, and coffee in just a minute. Blue Magic Carpet Stain and Spot Lifter not only just works on carpets but you can also use it on other materials too to get rid of the stains. It maintains a neat and clean environment in your home, office or any other place. It helps to remove the loose dirt. This is one of the best carpet stain removers.
  • How to find bed bugs

    If you typically find infestation of bed bugs at your residence, then it is better to find and get rid of it early on before it starts to spread. Treating the bed bug problem at the starting stages could make it easier and economically viable to treat and get rid of. During later stages, the same infestation turn out to be not only expensive but also harder to battle with. However, bed bugs are challenging to identify and not taking care of the problem immediately could give the bugs the time and opportunity to spread throughout the house. Some insects like carpet beetles look similar and can easily mistake to identify. Listed below are ways to identify bed bugs and bed bug bites:

    How to identify bed bug bites
    Bed bug bites mostly look like bites of other insects like chiggers and mosquitoes. Rashes too look similar to fungal infections, hives or eczema. The only greater proof is actually experiencing while the bug bites you on the skin.
    – One can accurately identify the bed bug problem with the physical signs of the infestation. For instance, a space in the house or bedding has not been cleaned or changed for a long time.
    – One can also look for eggshells which would probably be 1mm in size or dark spots which are bed bug excrements.
    – When bed bugs are not feeding, they are usually found around the bed corners, near the seams, piping and tags of the coat or cracks on the mattress or the headboard. If the room is heavily crowded with furniture, they can be seen on the couches, seams of the chair or in-between cushions and folds of the curtains.
    – They could also be breeding near electrical boxes or appliances.
    – One could even find them near wall hangings, painting not cleaned for a long time, or the ceiling joints. They can squeeze into anything as they are really small and are experts at hiding themselves during the day time.

    Bed bug acts and habits
    Knowing how bed bugs eat, live and reproduce helps us understand their nature of habits and makes it easier to monitor their presence before they firmly establish themselves in the host’s house.
    – Bed bugs usually travel approximately 520 feet from their hiding location
    – They are primarily active at night but if they are hungry, they will come out of their hiding spaces no matter what the time, and even in broad daylight.
    – They prefer to feed on humans but mammals and birds are also part of their meals.
    – The feeding duration can be from 312 minutes.
    – The tarry spots or rusty on the bedspread could be the places where the bug hides.

    After understanding how bed bugs work, undertaking bed bug pest control is the best thing that works effectively for bed bugs’ elimination.