• Best ways to fight depression

    Depression is a disorder where a person experiences sadness, loss of interest and no motivation. One in three people is found to be battling depression. It is one of the most common disorders in the word today.

    The reason behind depression can be a major life change, loss of a loved one, disappointment or stress. It occurs when the person is unable to cope with the situation and remains in despair and is sad for several months together.

    People who experience depression find it difficult to cope up with life and involve in the regular day-to-day activities. Hence it is important to recognize the symptoms of depression and fight it.

    Here are a few ways that can aid in the battle against depression:
    Make a routine
    This is found to be very effective in helping people fight depression. Creating a structured day with many achievable goals to accomplish is sure to keep you busy and distracted from whatever is making you depressed. It also brings back the focus. Have your entire day planned and filled with activities.

    Endorphins are released by the body when a person exercises. These endorphins have a positive and profound effect on the mood. A good body image is sure to make you feel good about yourself. Incorporate one hour of exercise in your daily routine. Exercising over long periods of time has found to have a positive impact.
    Even a few minutes of walking on a daily basis can do the trick.

    Eat healthy
    A healthy diet is very important for the overall well-being of the body and mind. Ensure that you are not over eating either. Have all your meals on time. Foods with omega-3s fatty acids and folic acid are known to ease depression. They are found in fish, avocado, and spinach.

    Get enough sleep
    A good night’s sleep is very important for the proper functioning of the brain. Good sleep is important for a clear, fresh, and positive mind. Depression is generally accompanied by insomnia. Make sure you get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sound sleep every night. Try sleeping at the same time every day. A fixed routine can help you regain your sleeping pattern.

    Clear your head of negative thoughts
    Try and rid your mind of all negative thoughts. You need to change your thinking and have a more positive outlook on life. When you are depressed, you naturally tend to assume the worst. You need to change that to overcome depression.

    Do things you enjoy
    Having a good time will surely make you feel better. Do things you enjoy. Take up fun hobbies that will keep you active, occupied and distracted.

    A change in lifestyle, diet, and thinking is required to combat depression. The above-mentioned ways were found effective in curbing it. Try these ways before resorting to any medication. If the symptoms of depression are still prevalent, consult a doctor.

  • These are the types of trauma you need to be aware of

    Trauma, specifically psychological trauma is a type of damage to the brain that occurs due to a distressing event. It often results in an overwhelming amount of stress, which exceeds one’s ability to cope with it.

    According to subjective experiences trauma differs in individuals. This might be because of different people react to similar events differently.

    Here are the types to trauma that you should be aware of

    Child maltreatment
    The types of trauma that come under child maltreatment include:

    • Neglect
      It occurs when a parent or a caregiver does not provide take care of the child’s need according to his or her age. Neglect includes failure to provide food, clothing, medical care, mental health treatment, education and proper supervision. This leads to child being exposed to dangerous environments, which adds to the trauma.
    • Sexual abuse
      one of the most serious type of trauma, sexual abuse includes a wide range of forced sexual behavior that occurs between a child and an adult. Genital exposure, pressure for sex or sexual exploitation through pornography are also counted as forms of sexual abuse.
    • Psychological maltreatment
      Acts that result in cognitive and mental disturbance are counted as psychological maltreatment. Emotional abuse towards the child’s academic performance that leads to negative self-image also leads to disturbed behavior. Emotional neglect, intentional social deprivation, and acts of omission against a child is also a form of emotional abuse.

    Domestic violence
    often seen between partners in a relationship, domestic violence is classified as actual or threatened physical, and or sexual violence. Adults in an intimate relationship going through emotional abuse are also considered to be victims of domestic violence.

    War related trauma
    The types of trauma under this category include:

    • Refugee and warzone trauma
      This trauma is a result of living in a war-torn territory that is affected by bombing, shooting and looting. Forced displacement to a new home due to political reasons is also considered as a refugee warzone trauma.
    • Terrorism
      It is a trauma that is inflicted from psychological and or physical damage by an adversary or a terrorist group to gain political and religious mileage.

    Medical trauma
    Mostly occurring in children, medical trauma is a reaction to invasive medical procedures or treatments that can be frightening and cause pain due to injury and or serious illness.

    School or community violence
    It is a trauma that is inflicted by predatory violence due to personal conflicts between people who are not family members. The examples of this type of trauma include shooting rape, and robbery.

    Traumatic loss
    it occurs due to grief that is followed by the death someone important to an individual, especially when the death is sudden and unexpected.

  • Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a complex medical condition in which the person has a tendency to experience extreme variances in thinking, mood patterns, and behavior. In some medical terms, bipolar disorder is often called manic depression. It is not the same for every person, and the symptoms can differ vastly from person to person. For some people, the symptoms occur very rarely so much so that often they do not know they have this condition. Let us look at this situation in depth.

    Symptoms of bipolar disorder:
    Apart from extreme mood shifts and changes in their behavioral patterns, the most common symptoms can include:
    Change in sleep patterns
    High activity levels
    Extreme energy levels (both high and low)

    However, not every person may experience these symptoms. Individuals who have this condition often exhibit trouble in schools and work places, display poor judgment values, and have damaged relationships. In extreme cases, people with bipolar condition are driven to suicide.

    A person with bipolar disorder may experience depressive mood swings and these symptoms can include:
    Feeling of worthlessness
    Low energy
    Loss of general interest in every activity

    Bipolar disorder can be categorized into many types “ the most common being bipolar I and bipolar II conditions. These depend on the severity of the issue and how long depression or mood swings last. In some cases, the levels can last from a few hours to few days. There have been cases where the maniac levels have been noticed for even years.

    Researchers have established that the average age a person can get this condition is from 25 years old. There could be some minor indications during their childhood or late adulthood where they might have experienced glimpses of aggression and depression. Having them rarely is not a cause for concern, but if you are experiencing these symptoms frequently, do consult your doctor immediately. Also, you might want to get treated for other medical conditions such as anxiety disorders, thyroid diseases, diabetes, and obesity. Also, substance abuse can be one of the underlying conditions.

    Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, and no single treatment plan can aid in the treatment. The treatments depend on the severity of the condition and how far the person is open and willing to get treated. In most of the cases, therapies along with medications would be prescribed to the individuals suffering from the disorder. The medications can include antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers. Long-range treatments can include easing the person back into his/her favorite past times or hobbies where he can act more freely, thereby pulverizing the bipolar effects.
    Bipolar disorder is a very treatable condition, and the chances of improvement can be highly positive if proper medical attention is given in the early stages.

  • Naloxone and its role in treating opioid overdose

    Opioids are a class of drugs that are also referred to as narcotics. Pain relievers like tramadol, fentanyl, oxycodone, and hydrocodone and even heroin are classified as opioids. Healthcare specialists provide these opioids in the form of prescription medicines to reduce pain in case of a major surgery or injury. A person might also get a prescription of an opioid to get relief from the pain of chemotherapy sessions in case of cancer.

    Opioids, when prescribed in a strictly administered quantity for a short time, are safe and might not result in side effects. However, people using opioids for a longer time and mixing it with other illegal drugs might get addicted to them. Misusing opioids can have severe (life-threatening) side effects.

    One needs reversal medication in such cases. Opioid overdose reversal can be achieved using naloxone.

    Naloxone for reversing overdose of opioids
    Naloxone is an opioid antagonist, which means it binds itself to opioid receptors, reversing and blocking the effects of other opioids. Medical research suggests that it can quickly restore normal respiration in individual’s whose breathing has been slowed due to the result of overdosing on opioids and pain-relieving medications.

    Paramedics, emergency room doctors, and other specially trained first responders usually use the naloxone liquid injection for an opioid overdose reversal. The liquid is sprayed in the nose for immediate relief. Other than this, improvised atomizers that use syringes in the form of nasal sprays can also deliver appropriate results.

    The dosage plays an important role when treating opioid overdose using naloxone. The amount varies on the basis of the formulation and the extent of dependency on opioids. Some states in the country require a physician to prescribe the medication, whereas other states distribute naloxone in the form of an outpatient medication without requiring a prescription from a physician.

    Precautions and side effects
    Patients undergoing treatment for opioid overdose with naloxone should be kept under observation for at least 2 hours to keep a check on the effects of the medication on the patient. The medical personnel needs to make sure the medication relaxes the breathing of the patient but does not slow it down too much or stops it completely.

    Doctors and medical researchers assure that naloxone is a safe medication. However, the medication can cause noticeable withdrawal symptoms that are uncomfortable but not life-threatening. As the medication helps in flushing opioids from the system, it can cause withdrawal symptoms like rapid heart rate, nausea, sweating, changes in the blood pressure, vomiting, and tremors.

  • Teen anger management counseling and its benefits

    A little bit if teen angst, every now and then, is perfectly normal behavior. But there are times when anger management counseling for teens is the need of the hour. Therefore, it can be helpful for parents to know when and how of teen anger management counseling and the ways to maximize its benefits.

    Angry Teens and Underlying Problems
    Adolescence is a time of great changes. Due to many hormonal and body changes, teens can experience irritability and confusion. The teenage brain also goes through many development phases. Their brain is still not able to process and manage emotions well. These changes can bring out the very worst in some teenagers; while others may just experience tiny behavioral problems.

    • Often times the stress of growing up coupled with difficult times in school or with friends can manifest as angry outbursts or violent behavior.

    • Extreme anger and violent behavior can affect a teenager’s academic and social life. They can be angry at their parents, teachers, peers and even
    strangers. They can be violent towards family members, pets and neighbors. Truancy, destruction of school property and even criminal behavior is common when teen anger spirals out of control.

    • Angry or violent behavior can also lead to other health problems like depression and other issues like alcohol abuse, smoking or self-harm.

    Teen anger management counseling can help parents understand the underlying cause of their teens’ troubling behavior. The following are some common reasons for angry or violent behavior in teens.
    • Puberty, body changes
    • Unhealthy home environment
    • Abuse at home or school
    • Confusion, anxiety
    • Personal loss, grief, physical or emotional trauma

    Benefits of Teen Anger Management Counseling
    Instead of barraging teens all the time for their angry behavior or punishing them for the same solves no problems. The first help for any teenager’s anger issues must begin at home.

    Some guidelines:
    • Help understand the underlying cause of the issues to manage your teen’s anger.
    • Explain to your teens about consequences of all types of behavior.
    • Recognize the warning signs of anger in your teens and try to calm them beforehand.
    • Find ways to help your teenagers deal with anger in a constructive manner.
    • Give your kids space but let them know that you are there for them.

    If it is not possible to manage your kid’s anger at home, anger management counseling is an excellent way to help with the issue. Experts can help you and your teenager understand the underlying cause of the anger and ways to handle them.

    Some benefits:
    • A therapist can help your teen communicate with you in a more direct or constructive way.
    • An expert can help you learn how to manage your teen’s behavioral problems.
    • Group counseling sessions can help teens learn about social skills, dealing with people and situations in a better manner.

    Whether you help your angry teen at home or through teen anger management counseling centers, timely help and intervention is crucial.

  • Finding help for childhood behavioral disorders

    Misbehavior is different from behavioral disorders. Misbehavior can stem from occasional stressful family situations such as moving houses, divorce, parental conflicts etc. But childhood behavioral disorders are more serious, prolonged and disruptive in more ways than one.
    Signs of Childhood Behavioral Disorders

    Kids with behavioral disorders can display many signs that parents and teachers can easily recognize as troublesome.

    Some of the common signs of childhood behavioral disorders can be
    • Violent behavior, threatening friends, animals and even parents
    • Aggressive acts like damaging property, vandalism
    • Truancy, loss of interest in academics or hobbies
    • Hostile behavior, impulsiveness
    • Lying frequently
    • Disobedience
    • Lack of empathy
    • Poor confidence, low self-esteem
    • Risky sexual behavior
    • Increased restlessness

    Types of Childhood Behavioral Disorders
    The most common types of childhood behavioral disorders are conduct disorder (CD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    • Children with CD display more aggressive behavior than those with ODD. CD involves more persistent and serious behavioral problems. It can also stem from untreated ODD. A child with ODD openly defies orders, has a short temper, always blames others and has poor self-esteem. But children with CD display delinquent behaviors that are more aggressive. They are quick to start a fight and even display an attachment to sadistic behavior.

    • Kids with ADHD most often display problematic behavioral traits when they also suffer from CD or ODD. This can increase their chances of developing learning difficulties. A child with only ADHD doesn’t display violent or defiant behavior.

    Treatment for Childhood Behavioral Disorders

    Children who suffer from CD or ODD can greatly benefit from expert counseling sessions. This is because these kids are already defiant. They rarely or never respond to parents, teachers or guardians to rectify their behavior. And if childhood behavioral disorders are not treated in a timely manner, these can manifest as even more deep-rooted problems in later years.

    • Expert counseling sessions for childhood behavioral disorders teach patients to understand their problems and to deal with them properly.

    • Counseling centers work with trained therapists to assists kids to learn constructive coping mechanisms instead of dealing with their problems with violent or defiant behaviors.

    • Parental education is extremely important to deal with childhood behavioral disorders. At these counseling centers, parents can learn proven treatment methods to help their kids to overcome their behavioral disorders.

    • At school or even at home, signs of childhood behavioral disorders can be simply viewed as bad behavior. In such cases, punishments or time-outs can further aggravate the problem. If you repeatedly hear complaints from your child’s teachers about negative behavior then perhaps it is time to seek expert help for your kids.

    • At dedicated centers for childhood behavioral disorders, treatment options include unique needs of every patient. The treatment techniques can range from family therapy, social training, cognitive behavioral therapy, anger management and even medication.

    You can ask your pediatrician for recommendations for a therapist or approach a state-approved counseling center for more information.

  • How is schizophrenia treated?

    Schizophrenia is one of the most disruptive chronic mental disorders. Neither are the causes known nor are there any known cures. It causes untold anxiety and disruption in the family. It is by no means easy for any family to make the needed commitment and pay the required attention to the patient forever. The periodic episodes make it all the more difficult.

    However, if the disease is diagnosed early on and the complete package of medication is prescribed, its uninterrupted administration and continuation even during remissions, counseling, commitment, and constant attention to the patient are provided, then the person with schizophrenia can lead an active, productive and socially acceptable life. Many support groups are available in almost all societies these days. Most societies are aware of their responsibility in not contributing to a trigger that might lead to a flare up. These developments have significantly reduced the burden on the families of a schizophrenic.

    The antipsychotic medications are grouped into conventional or typical and are medicines which control the symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, and the confusion of a schizophrenic.These medication regulate mood and perceptions. They stabilize the nerves in the brain and help to calm down anxiety and agitation. Many of these medications provide relief quite quickly and control impulsive behavior. With these medications, a person gets back to relatively calmer mood after a week or so. The second group is called atypical or new generation medicines that treat all symptoms with fewer side effects. The third but smaller category of drugs is known as “miscellaneous antipsychotic agents.” These drugs act differently from both the typical and atypical antipsychotic medications. These are used to treat agitation in people with schizophrenia.

    Side effects are a common feature of all antipsychotic drugs.They range from mild ones like dryness of mouth,constipation, blurred vision, drowsiness, and dizziness and generally go away after a few days of usage. The more troublesome symptoms are muscle control, pacing, tremors, and facial tics. Newer generation medicines, on the other hand, have lesser side effects. However, any change in medication has to be with the concurrence of the physician as many of the side effects can be dealt with. All in all, early diagnosis, proper holistic management, and modern drugs offers a good prognosis of a life where an active, productive, and socially acceptable behavior is possible.

  • The practice of mental health consultation

    A general definition of mental health includes our psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing. Basically, anything that affects the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we act is all part of our overall mental health. Studies on mental health and condition of a person also help determine how people handle stress, make the choices we make, the way we can relate to others, and more.

    The practice of mental health consultation is alternatively known as consulting psychology. There are a number of models of consulting psychology explained as follows:

    Generic consultation: This particular model has everything from the initial consolation, moving along to diagnosis and implementations, with a final conclusion after any and all disengagement from the consultation. In simple terms, a beginning, a middle, and conclusion for the type of consultation employed.

    Client centered: A more specific and planned approach, by dedicating time to one client as the name suggest for entry analysis, diagnosis, and implementation of strategy. General practitioners for this approach will include physicians, care providers, and licensed practitioners.

    Consultee centered: The main objective of consultees in this approach is to learn more about the subject matter, increase their knowledge base, skills, confidence, etc. via training and supervision on part of the practitioner.

    Other models of consultation include consultee-centered administrative, behavioral consultation, organizational consultation, and statistical consultation amongst many others.

    Reasons for mental health consultation:
    A number of signs of mental illness can be diagnosed with mental health consultation. These normally include anxiety disorders like social anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and other types of phobias which can be studied and a targeted approach can be made for its treatment.

    Mood disorders which may be bipolar or depression; psychotic disorders which can be schizophrenia; eating disorders like bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, binge eating and more; impulse control disorders; substance abuse disorders; personality disorders like antisocial, paranoid, obsessive compulsive, and more.

    Others include post-traumatic stress disorders, dissociative disorders, sexual and gender disorders, stress response or adjustment disorders, and somatic symptom disorders to name a few.

    The treatment and therapy prescribed for the aforesaid disorders can help people cope with the symptoms and eventually find a way to treat the problem. Consultation will provide a clear diagnosis and will help prescribe the necessary course of action for the course of treatment recommended.

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  • Safe retirement investments only for you

    Are you on the verge of retiring? Then you must start thinking about your post-retirement investments. You must look for safe investments that will give you a good annual return. It is not possible nowadays to get 5% to 7% ROI. But there are many safe places to invest.

    To find out safe places you need to know the type of investments that provide the protection of principals- FDIC insured money market accounts, savings accounts, and short term CDs. You will get around annual yields of 1% or so if you look for the highest paying accounts.

    You may go to those high-yield checking accounts, who make you jump through lots of hoops like doing a fixed number of transaction every month. Here you may look for a little more, like 1.5% return. Most of the times they limit the amount $25,000 or less, on which they will pay their highest rate.

    You can go to a longer time CD. There you may get around 2% returning. But Financial Industry Regulatory Authority alerts advice to be very careful about the pitches for high yielding CDs. They can even drag you towards several other retirement investment plans.

    All these accounts will help your money to grow fast but tax-free. You need to pay the tax only when you take out the money from your account and close it. Though this does not happen with Roth IRAs. Here no tax is due at the withdrawal of the money. If you take out the money before reaching the age of 59 and a half, mostly you will need to pay a 10% penalty added to the regular income tax.

    The Internal Revenue Service has their own complicated rules and regulations for different types of retirement accounts. There are certain tax breaks which are only available to those people having a certain amount of income. So you need to check the IRS website very well for details or go to your account.

    If you are doing a thorough retirement investment planning, then keep this information handy!

  • Giving your home a facelift

    Ever walked into your drab looking kitchen and wondered of ways to make it more interesting, or has the grass in your yard gone awry? Take some time out to landscape. Landscaping is not just for enormous urban properties but also for houses that do not have large empty spaces.From vertically installed wall gardens to upcycled furniture incorporated in yards and sit-outs, it is the age of rethinking the layout of the space that surrounds us and reinventing it.

    The first step would be to update the walls of your property as they transform the exterior and interior completely. Then take a look at the green spaces in and around your house. Plants, shrubs and trees can create a micro-climate around your home with increased air quality. When you air-out your home wouldn’t it be nice to have the freshest air possible coming in? Having plants indoors that are slow-growing will save a lot of time and effort that goes into their maintenance. Decluttering the house and yard of unnecessary pieces of furniture that occupy more space and have reduced function will provide the much needed space for redecorating. Minimalism is the key to building your very own wonderland. Subtle things like adding an elegant little bird bath to your front yard or back yard not only enhance the look of the area but also attract thirsty birds turning your house into a haven of sorts.

    Landscaping is about making economic and environment-friendly choices that add to the aesthetic value of the property. It gives you the opportunity to create an experience and not merely a solid structure. It enlivens the atmosphere that you spend the most relaxing hours of your day in.Growing your own vegetables organically in kitchen gardens is a healthy and rewarding experience. The flavor and texture of varieties you can grow far exceed grocery store produce.

    If you are looking to sell your house, even a small house with good landscaping is appealing and can up its worth in the market by a decent margin. Curb appeal is important to 71% of homebuyers when choosing their abode. It is never too late to start personal projects within your home and to awaken your creative side. Embarking on creative projects for your own home is therapeutic and gratifying. So start now and by using professional help, your own head that is now brimming with ideas or a combination of two to turn your house into your happy place because your home is indeed your paradise.

  • How to buy a VCR player – for new users

    VCR players are the gem of all times. No matter the age or generation, you would always find a VCR player in every home. VCR players are known as video cassette recorders and they can record movies and shows onto a blank tape. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to buy a VCR player, it can be especially tricky if you know nothing about them.

    Most users buy 2-in-1 players which feature both VCR and DVD function. A reason for this is because VCR tapes are ultra cheap and you get them at a fraction of the cost of DVDs. To top this off, some older shows are only available in the form of VCR tapes so it can difficult to procure those in DVD format. If you want to watch exclusive old-time content, VCRs can be a great choice.

    Here are a few features to look for when going shopping for a brand new VCR player:

    Number Of Heads
    One and two-head VCR players feature poor video recording and playback quality. A decent VCR player comes with four-heads. Four heads offer good recording feature and the video quality is amazing in these. Look for this feature for starters.

    Slow Motion Playback
    You should be able to play films in super slow motion whenever you want. This is a remarkable characteristic of good VCR players and they let you capture still frames and even freeze them. This, in turn, can help you look up specific scenes or hunt for that perfect moment and produce a still photo from them. You can then print and produce the photos, edit, manipulate, or do whatever you want with them by obtaining from the film.

    Slow Motion Rewind
    You should look for a VCR player that lets you rewind scenes in slow motion. This can be especially great if, for instance, the tape was ejected or you were interrupted in the middle of a scene. You can then fast forward a scene and playback in slow motion to get to that specific point and capture that climactic moment.

    Freeze Frame
    If you love studying up on your games or analyzing footage, then the freeze frame feature is a no-brainer with regard to features to look for in good VCR players. Freeze frame lets you pause the show or frame at that specific point and this can help you record or print the images. Freezing the frame will also help you take a look at it in detail and this can be especially helpful if you need to look at fine detail.

    Commercial Skipping
    Commercial skipping lets you skip ads when running VCR tapes. Good VCR players let you skip commercials and get past them. After all, who in the world actually likes watching commercials?