Frequent Urination Problems – Prevention and Treatment Options

Frequent urination refers to the need to pass urine at least eight times in a day. Frequent urination problems can occur due to many reasons such as diabetes, weak pelvic muscles, bladder infections and other health problems.

In women, pregnancy and childbirth can lead to weakness in the pelvic region. During pregnancy, the uterus puts constant pressure on the bladder and increases the urine frequency. In men, an enlarged prostate is a leading cause of frequent urination. Bladder stones, bladder cancer, and radiation therapies can also cause frequent urination problems. Excess weight can also put additional pressure on the bladder and create the urge to urinate more often.

It is possible to prevent frequent urination problems with healthy diet habits and exercises.

If you have experienced even mild bladder problems, you can take some precautionary measures to reduce its occurrence in the future. Or if you have any medical problem that can cause frequent urination, you can take better care of your diet to prevent any bladder problems.

  • Reduce intake of caffeine, alcohol and citrus juices.
  • Refrain from eating tomato-based foods in large amounts.
  • Avoid the consumption of artificial sweeteners.
  • Add more fiber to the diet.
  • Begin a practice of kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

There are several effective treatment options for frequent urination problems. Often, the treatment for the underlying cause treats the problem of frequent urination as well.

  • If you need to urinate frequently because of diabetes, managing optimum levels of blood glucose can provide a lot of relief from the problem. The same applies to frequent urination due to infections in the urinary tract and bladder and prostate problems. For example, surgery to treat an enlarged prostate can also reduce the need for frequent urination.
  • Medications to replace estrogen or treat an overactive bladder can be very effective in treating frequent urination.
  • For severe problems in the bladder, surgery can be a treatment option.

A good diet plan and pelvic floor exercises are often adequate to treat frequent urination. Consult a doctor for best treatment plan as per your health needs.

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    Full age retirement chart

    <![if !supportMisalignedColumns]>

    The earliest one can begin receiving benefits is at the age of 62 only.
    Also, if one was born on the 1st of January, then the year to be considered is the previous year. If one were born on the 1st of any month, then then the previous month age is considered.
    Also, if one delays retirement benefits and wait until after the FRA, then one may even be entitled for credits for delayed retirement. These will increase benefits per month. Also, one should sign up for Medicare at 65 years of age.
    Tags: Retirement planningfull age retirement chart

    Full Social Security Benefits Receipt Ages

    Year of Birth

    Full Retirement Age

    1960 and after

    67 years


    66 years, 10 months


    66 years, 8 months


    66 years, 6 months


    66 years, 4 months


    66 years, 2 months


    66 years


    65 years, 10 months


    65 years, 8 months


    65 years, 6 months


    65 years, 4 months


    65 years, 2 months

    1937 or before

    65 years

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    Enhanced Durability
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    Screen Protection
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    The inbuilt clear membranes come with the screen protector. It prevents any form of scratches, scrapes, and scuffs occurring to the screen.

    Additional Features
    Pack your tablet in your luggage and rest assured that your device is protected from any form of shocks. Some tablet cases come with extra features for utilities. These include writing spaces and a carry case for holding a stylus.
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